This repository is for WHMC shurjoPay plugin
Upload files to respective fol der. like modules/..
## Step 1: ##
Go to Addons -> Apps & Integrations
Browse -> Payments
## Step 2: ##
Select shurjoPay and click on active/manage
## Step 3: ##
Filled the form
A) Display Name: set it "shurjoPay"
B) Merchant Name/ID : set it as provided by shurjoMukhi limited. I.e pass1234
Merchant Password
C) Merchant Unique ID prfix : set it as provided by shurjoMukhi limited. I.e: NOK
D) Merhant IP: Enter your merchant ip here
E) Test Mode: checked if you are testing the gateway. Mention that exaple user password will work in test mode.
F) Convert To For Processing: set it according to your need.
For any technical assistance please contact to