C simple and elegant implementation of an actor library
An ebook about bare-metal programming for ARM
A collection of (OpenBSD) PF divert socket daemons
© Copyright Header is a utility to manipulate software licenses on source code.
A reusable, but flexible, boilerplate Makefile.
Example of a simple project using non-recursive make
Tools, tips, tricks, and more for exploring ICS Security.
A Modbus library for Linux, Mac OS, FreeBSD and Windows
Repository for using Microchip EVB-KSZ9477 board. Product Supported: KSZ9477, KSZ9567, KSZ9897, KSZ9896, KSZ8567, KSZ8565, KSZ9893, KSZ9563, KSZ8563, LAN9646, Phys(KSZ9031/9131, LAN8770
ACVP Proxy for accessing the NIST ACVP server for testing cryptographic implementations
ACVP Parser for invocation of cryptographic implementations using the ACVP JSON test vectors
The Jakstab static analysis platform for binaries
A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C
CMetrics measures size and complexity for C files
cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
An example LLVM pass which can run automatically in clang.
This System Control Processor (SCP) firmware repository is no longer used and has been set to Read-only for archiving purposes. Please refer to the following active repository.
Read-only mirror of Trusted Firmware-A
Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.