Auto-configures Slim 4.x to use guzzlehttp/psr7
version 1.x.
composer require sapphirecat/slim4-http-interop-adapter
Dependencies and autoloading are both configured so that installation of the
package is the only necessary action. Using the autoloader will register the
necessary support with Slim's Psr17FactoryProvider
Slim 4 requires a PSR-17 implementation. Guzzle PSR-7 version 1.x does not provide one, but version 2.x does.
Prior to 4.9.0, Slim 4 supported the Guzzle HTTP Factory,
, which provided the PSR-17 implementation.
Since 4.9.0, Slim 4 supports Guzzle PSR-7 2.x's PSR-17 implementation directly,
removing support for 1.x. This
—is primarily designed to
support version 1.x in the newer Slim 4 versions. It continues to be
functional, but redundant, with Guzzle PSR-7 2.x and/or with Slim 4.8.1 and
MIT, copied verbatim from Slim 4.8.1.