- [email protected]
- in/saddamarbaa
- @ArbaaSaddam
- https://leetcode.com/saddamarbaa
An opinionated backend framework based on NestJS. Get your CRUD app up and running in no time! ⚙️🔒
A resource to help you pass system design interview and become good at work 👇
==> Building Favorite Places App: Discover, capture, and organize your favorite spots. Powered by React Native, TypeScript, Expo, and React Navigation, with an easy and enjoyable user experience.
==> Expense tracker app built with React Native, TypeScript, and Expo. Utilizes key React Native features and powerful tools.
==> Building a Meal App with React Native, TypeScript, Expo, React Navigation, and Redux. Utilizes key React Native features and powerful tools.
==> Building Twitter Clone App with React Js + Next.js 13 + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + nextAuth + Firebase + Dark Mode + Vercel Hosting + User Authentication (a mobile-friendly)
A bare-bones vite + react + tailwind + typescript starter template with eslint + prettier and react-router. Use it as a starting point for your next project and customize it as needed to fit your s…
🔵 Make TypeScript errors prettier and human-readable in VSCode 🎀
==> Building TMDB Clone App with React Js + Next.js 13 + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS. + Vercel Hosting (a mobile-friendly)
==> Software testing examples with Jest and also with (mocha and chai)
==> The application is a toy robot simulator written in JavaScript a simple javascript program showcasing examples, TDD and Module pattern
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
==> Building Slack Clone App with React Js + Next Js + Redux + Styled Components + Material-UI + Firebase Realtime Database + Vercel Hosting + User Authentication + firebase-hooks (a mobile-friendly)
==> Coursera: Google IT Support Professional Certificate Offered by Google.
==> Programming challenges - Starting out with Python by Tony Gaddis
==> I made this repository to post my C++ code and document my progress while Learning All Programming Concepts with C++
==> I made this repository to post my C code and document my progress while Learning All Programming Concepts with C.
==> This is a code repository the project: build a responsive grid css website from scratch with modern css features and techniques like css variables, and flexbox
==> This is a code repository for a new project: Build Responsive Grid CSS Website From Scratch using modern CSS features and techniques like CSS variables, rem units, and flexbox.
==> This is a code repository for the project: create responsive web design without a framework from scratch, in this project I created my own website and my own framework with vanilla HTML, and CSS
==> This is a code repository for the project: modern restaurant website. In this project, am building a complete responsive restaurant website for a client from scratch using a mobile-first approa…
==> weather app built with Vanilla JavaScript in this project I learned more about ES6+, promises, Fetching data from an API, arrow function, and more
==> This is a code repository for Pokemon Card with CSS, HTML Just for practicing the Fundamental
==> Todo List App built with ReactJs in this project I learned reacts basis, Component, Props, JSX, Virtual DOM, Styling in ReactJS, Hooks, Firebase…
==> Elzero Web School CSS Assignments
==> Responsive image gallery built with CSS Grid using modern CSS features and techniques like CSS Variables, rem units
==> An Advent calendar project responsive mobile-first design-build with HTML5/CSS Grid with 24 doors for the days of advent (Dec 1 - Dec 24).
==> Agency Website from scratch a responsive layout "Mobile First Design" built with HTML5/CSS and a bit of JS for the menu. in this project, I learned more about modern CSS features and techniques…
==> Guess the number game with vanilla JavaScript (Built With HTML, CSS, JavaScript)