This tutorial creates an example ROS package that reads Pepper’s joint states. The files included in this repo are the final product that should be created by following this tutorial.
Pre-Requisite: The catkin workspace and Naoqi Driver should be set up. This can be done by following the Direct Installation
steps found in ROS to NAO Bridge Setup Instructions.
Open a terminal.
Make sure to source:
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Launch ROS:
Steps taken from ROS Creating Package Tutorial.
In a new terminal window create the ros package directory
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
cd ~/catkin_ws
. ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To view dependencies within the project you can run:
rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials # List of dependencies for 'beginner_tutorials'
rospack depends1 rospy # List of dependencies for 'ros-py'
rospack depends beginner_tutorials # Recursive list of dependencies for 'beginner_tutorials'
Steps taken from Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python).
Run the following commands to create the node script and get the talker file from ROS tutorials:
roscd beginner_tutorials
mkdir scripts
cd scripts
chmod +x
Modify the CMakeLists.txt
file to include:
catkin_install_python(PROGRAMS scripts/
Run the following commands to create the node script and get the listener file from ROS tutorials:
roscd beginner_tutorials/scripts/
chmod +x
Modify the catkin_install_python
in CMakeLists.txt
file to be:
catkin_install_python(PROGRAMS scripts/ scripts/
Run these commands to start the talker:
rosrun beginner_tutorials
You should begin getting messages similar to this being output to the terminal window:
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931831.774057] hello world 1314931831.77
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931832.775497] hello world 1314931832.77
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931833.778937] hello world 1314931833.78
In a new terminal window run these commands to start the listener:
rosrun beginner_tutorials
You should begin getting messages similar to this being output to the terminal window:
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931969.258941] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931969.26
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931970.262246] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931970.26
[INFO] [WallTime: 1314931971.266348] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931971.26
Full instructions can be found in ROS to NAO Bridge Setup Instructions (Steps 5-6)
Ensure device and Pepper are connected to the same network (e.g., NETGEAR23-5G)
In a new terminal window run:
ssh nao@<naoip>
In a new terminal window run:
roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:=<nao_ip> nao_port:=<nao_port> roscore_ip:=<roscore_ip> network_interface:=<network_interface> username:=<username> password:=<password>
For example this could be:
roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch nao_ip:= nao_port:=9503 roscore_ip:= network_interface:=eth0 username:=nao password:=nao
To view a list of pepper’s topics run:
rostopic list
To view current joint states (to ensure they are being published from pepper):
rostopic echo /joint_states
To learn the data type of the joint states (this is needed to modify our Python file):
rostopic info /joint_angles
In our
add the following import statement (we learned it should be sensor_msgs and JointState from the previous step):
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
modify the subscriber line to be:
rospy.Subscriber('joint_states', JointState, callback)
modify the callback to be:
rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + 'I heard %s', data)
Run the listener:
rosrun beginner_tutorials
You should receive output of Pepper's joint states to that terminal window.