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A validated pattern for using GitOps to deploy an AI/ML defect industrial detection solution, into an OpenShift cluster

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Start Here

If you've followed a link to this repo, but are not really sure what it contains or how to use it, head over to for additional context before continuing.


  1. An OpenShift cluster ( Go to )
  2. (Optional) A second OpenShift cluster
  3. A github account (and a token for it with repos permissions, to read from and write to your forks)
  4. A quay account with the following repos set as public:
  • http-ionic
  • httpd-ionic
  • iot-anomaly-detection
  • iot-consumer
  • iot-frontend
  • iot-software-sensor
  1. The helm binary, see

The use of this blueprint depends on having at least one running Red Hat OpenShift cluster. It is desirable to have a cluster for deploying the data center assets and a seperate cluster(s) for the factory assets.

If you do not have a running Red Hat OpenShift cluster you can start one on a public or private cloud by using Red Hat's cloud service.

How to deploy

  1. Fork the manuela-dev repo on GitHub. It is necessary to fork this repo because the GitOps framework will push tags to this repo that match the versions of software that it will deploy.

  2. Fork this repo on GitHub. It is necessary to fork because your fork will be updated as part of the GitOps and DevOps processes.

  3. Clone the forked copy of this repo.

    git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:your-username/industrial-edge.git
  4. Create a local copy of the Helm values file that can safely include credentials


You do not want to push personal credentials to GitHub.

cp values-secret.yaml.template ~/values-secret.yaml
vi ~/values-secret.yaml
  1. Customize the deployment for your cluster

    vi values-global.yaml
    git add values-global.yaml
    git commit values-global.yaml
    git push
  2. Preview the changes

    make show
  3. Login to your cluster using oc login or exporting the KUBECONFIG

    oc login


    export KUBECONFIG=~/my-ocp-env/datacenter
  4. Apply the changes to your cluster

    make install
  5. Check the operators have been installed

    UI -> Installed Operators
  6. Obtain the ArgoCD urls and passwords

    The URLs and login credentials for ArgoCD change depending on the pattern name and the site names they control. Follow the instructions below to find them, however you choose to deploy the pattern.

    Display the fully qualified domain names, and matching login credentials, for all ArgoCD instances:

    ARGO_CMD=`oc get secrets -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{"oc get -n "}{.metadata.namespace}{" routes; oc -n "}{.metadata.namespace}{" extract secrets/"}{}{" --to=-\\n"}{end}' | grep gitops-cluster`
    eval $ARGO_CMD

    The result should look something like:

    NAME                       HOST/PORT                                                                                         PATH      SERVICES                   PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    datacenter-gitops-server          datacenter-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password
    NAME                    HOST/PORT                                                                                   PATH   SERVICES                PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    factory-gitops-server          factory-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password
    NAME                      HOST/PORT                                                                              PATH   SERVICES                  PORT    TERMINATION            WILDCARD
    cluster                                   cluster                   8080    reencrypt/Allow        None
    kam                                           kam                       8443    passthrough/None       None
    openshift-gitops-server          openshift-gitops-server   https   passthrough/Redirect   None
    # admin.password
  7. Check all applications are synchronised

Pattern Layout and Structure


Probably wont work

  1. Turn off auto-sync

    helm upgrade manuela . --values ~/values-secret.yaml --set global.options.syncPolicy=Manual

  2. Remove the ArgoCD applications (except for manuela-datacenter)

    a. Browse to ArgoCD a. Go to Applications a. Click delete a. Type the application name to confirm a. Chose "Foreground" as the propagation policy a. Repeat

  3. Wait until the deletions succeed

    manuela-datacenter should be the only remaining application

  4. Complete the uninstall

    helm delete manuela

  5. Check all namespaces and operators have been removed


The following diagrams show the different components deployed on the datacenter and the factory.



Schematic with Networks

Schema - Networks

Schematic with Dataflows

Schema - Dataflow

Editing the diagrams.

To edit the diagrams in you can load them here and save a local copy


A validated pattern for using GitOps to deploy an AI/ML defect industrial detection solution, into an OpenShift cluster







  • Dockerfile 43.3%
  • Shell 38.7%
  • Makefile 18.0%