Hey there, I run the following test:
twist_a = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).float()
twist_b = torch.tensor([1, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6]).float()
twist_c = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8]).float()
the difference between twist a and b is the third coordinate in the "rotation" part of the twist, and the difference between twist a and c is in the 6th coordinate of the "translation" part of the twist.
However, when I call:
pp.LieTensor(twist_a, ltype=pp.se3_type).matrix()
pp.LieTensor(twist_b, ltype=pp.se3_type).matrix()
the difference between matrices is not only in rotation but also in translation.
When I call:
pp.LieTensor(twist_a, ltype=pp.se3_type).matrix()
pp.LieTensor(twist_c, ltype=pp.se3_type).matrix()
the difference between matrices is not only in translation but also in rotation.
I was wondering, why when I convert a twist to a transformation matrix, the rotation and translation components are not independent?
Another question is for quaternions, what is the format that you use? From
I see that it's (t, q), but for q
what's the order: (qx qy qz qw) or (qw qx qy qz)?
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