We extracted Type Ic Supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Open Supernova Catalog (OSC). Then, their light curves in V-band were fitted with the Bazin function (Bazin G. et al., 2009) to estimate the absolute magnitude at maximum light and the light curve shape parameters.
– file extacted from the Open Supernova Catalog with the following cuts: >15 photometrical points, pre-max photometry, z<=0.03 (V), "Ic" only.sn_Ic_V.txt
– SN Ic list after the visual inspection.
– approximation of SNe Ic extracted from the OSC with the Bazin function and the visialisation of M_V(delta_m15) dependency in comparison with luminosity-width relation for SNe Ia (Phillips M., 1993).snIc_list.py
– fast visial check of SN Ic light curves.
Output plots from Jupyter Notebooks with light curve fit.
– M_V(delta_m15) dependency for SNe Ic.