Analysis, I believe, is key to any protocol. We as a community have tons of data lying around, which must be made sense of. Here is how I contribute:
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative, and Pain Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine.
- 👨💻 My current research is centered on designing novel anesthetics suitable for battlefield conditions. Leveraging AI-driven protein design and high-throughput virtual screening to accelerate the drug discovery process and develop effective anesthetic agents.
- 👨💻 My portfolio is available at Atom Odyssey
- 🌱 I’m currently being served as Nextflow Ambassador and member of Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on bioinformatics projects (NGS, Drug discovery Pipelines, AI based protein modeling)
- 🤝 I’m looking for help with frontend/backend development
- 💬 Ask me about R, Python, NGS, Siesta, Gromacs, Molecular docking/dynamics
- 📫 Reach me @ Stanford Medicine
- ⚡ Fun fact I love Gaming