Table of Content
- MetadataAggregator is a lambda/ECS function which will aggregate information from different sources Ex. .xfdumanifest.xml, *.fp into UMM-G Json and upload UMM-G Json file up to CMR
- This labmda has ability to obtain CMR token through launchpad ( The high level view of the process is copy the certificate key to lambda local directory, find certificate passcode through cloud system secret key and finally use the certificate to request CMR AUTHORIZATION token
- If MetadataAggregator sees the input granule including the .fp (footprint) file. It will read the fp file, use the CMR AUTHORIZATION token to obtain the latest UMMG json, append footprint information and upload the .cmr.json to internal bucket
- If MetadataAggregator sees the input granule including the .png (image) files. It will use the CMR AUTHORIZATION token to obtain the latest UMMG json, append image download url and upload the .cmr.json to internal bucket
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies gradle -x test build
- As of 2020/12/22, this module(MetadataUpdate) is adopting UMM-G version 1.6 ( However, version 1.6.1 is available.
- Footprint can be in the form of Line, MultiLine, Polygon, and Multipolygon. Depending on the geometry types of footprint. It should be add to either Line of GPolygon object under UMM-G. Please refer to UMM-G json schema at :
- Due to UMM-G specify SpatialExtent is one of the top optional components and some of SpatialExtent's sub json components are also optional, it becomes a tedious job to code many Java object!==null conditions before appending Line and GPolygon objects under Geometry object and then append Geometry object until SpatialExtent. Not to mention such way of programming is error prone. Hence, adopted Json data serialization/de-serialization model. That is, de-serialize json string to Java POJOs and serialize POJOs to json string. The model objects are generated using jsonschema2pojo utility.
- jsonschema2pojo git project :
- Preparation On Mac machine
brew install jsonschema2pojo brew install coreutils // this is to prepare greadlink utility vi jsonschema2pojo and change readlink to greadlink
* Example command go generate models:
** -s source json schema file
** -t, --target target generation directory
** -p target package name
** -a Gson annotation
** -c --generate-constructors
** -fdt --formate-date-time : formate date time to default yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ with UTC
** -r --constructors-required-only : generate constructor for required field only
** -R remove old output
jsonschema2pojo -s ./ummg165.json --target java-gen -p gov.nasa.cumulus.metadata.umm.generated -a GSON -fdt -r -R
jsonschema2pojo -s ./ummg165.json --target java-gen -p gov.nasa.cumulus.metadata.umm.generated -a GSON -fdt
jsonshcema2pojo maven plugin is also configured within the pom.xml file
mvn compile // call plugin goal to generate pojo classes
- jsonschema2pojo utility supports ACKSON, JACKSON1, JACKSON2, GSON, and MOSHI1
- Code maintenance due to UMM-G schema upgrade is also benefit from jsonschema2pojo. Regenerate the model objects, fix all compilation errors and test.
- There is no need to run json schema validation after building the new UMM-G string
- jsonschema2pojo maven plugin is also configured in pom.xml. Executing mvn compile command will generate the UMM-G schema POJOs
field name | type | default | values | description |
CMR_ENVIRONMENT | string | (required) | CMR envionment which this lambda is connected to: ex. SNDBOX, SIT, UAT, OPS | |
stackName | string | (required) | The prefix of lambda | |
CUMULUS_MESSAGE_ADAPTER_DIR | string | (required) | set to "/opt" | |
region | string | (required) | AWS region where forge lambda is running upon. Ex. us-west-2 | |
LAUNCHPAD_CRYPTO_DIR | string | (required) | directory where certificate file is located under system bucket. | |
LAUNCHPAD_TOKEN_BUCKET | string | (required) | Bucket name where launchpad token is stored | |
LAUNCHPAD_TOKEN_FILE | string | (required) | directory path and full file name of token file under LAUNCHPAD_TOKEN_BUCKET | |
CMR_URL | string | (required) | CMR API Base URL | |
layers | list(string) | (required) | list of layers' arn where forge runs upon. | |
INTERNAL_BUCKET | list(string) | (required) | The bucket name where .cmr.json file will be stored | |
DIR | list(string) | (required) | Base dir of .cmr.json file. generated ummg file will be stored at s3://INTERNAL_BUCKET/CMR_DIR/collectionName/granuleId.cmr.json |
- MetadataAggregator lambda environment configuration example
CMR_ENVIRONMENT = var.cmr_environment
stackName = var.prefix
region = var.region
LAUNCHPAD_CRYPTO_DIR = "${var.prefix}/crypto"
LAUNCHPAD_TOKEN_BUCKET = var.system_bucket
LAUNCHPAD_TOKEN_FILE = "${var.prefix}/crypto/token.json"
CMR_URL = var.cmr_url
A special field additionalAttributes
can be added to the meta
level inside a collection ($.meta.collection.meta
from step functions perspective). Once added it'll enable the user to append an ISO.XML's eos:AdditionalAttribute
data into the CMR.JSON's "AdditionalAttributes" JSON root block
Example Collection Config - Meta section: cumulus dashboard image
"meta": {
"additionalAttributes": {
"publishAll": false,
"publish": [
"CloudCover": "PercentCloudCover"
"glacier-bucket": "hryeung-ia-podaac-glacier",
"granuleMetadataFileExtension": "cmr.json",
"granuleRecoveryWorkflow": "OrcaRecoveryWorkflow",
"iso-regex": "^OPERA_L3_DSWx-HLS_.*v([0-9]*)\\.([0-9]*).*\\.iso\\.xml$",
"response-endpoint": "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:065089468788:hryeung-ia-podaac-provider-response-sns",
"workflowChoice": {
"compressed": false,
"convertNetCDF": false,
"dmrpp": false,
"glacier": false,
"readDataFileForMetadata": false
The configuration above has 3 parts to consider
"publishAll": true/false
- whether or not to publish EVERYTHING found in the AdditionalAttribute XML block; this field is required if anadditionalAttributes
block is added inmeta
means publish everything"publish": ["NAME_OF_FIELD_IN_XML_ADDITIONAL_ATTRIBUTES"]
- Publish the field from the XML into JSONadditionalAttributes
"CloudCover": "PercentCloudCover"
- Append a keyCloudCover
with the value fromPercentCloudCover
inside the CMR.JSON output
Assume this is the XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gmi:MI_Metadata xmlns:gmi="" xmlns:eos="" xmlns:gco="">
<eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="qualityInformation">qualityInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
<gco:CharacterString>The percentage of cloud and cloud shadow in the L3_DSWx_HLS product based on the HLS QA mask</gco:CharacterString>
<eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="int">int</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>
<eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="platformInformation">platformInformation</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeTypeCode>
<gco:CharacterString>The Landsat product ID or Sentinel L1C granule URI</gco:CharacterString>
<eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="string">string</eos:EOS_AdditionalAttributeDataTypeCode>
<gco:CharacterString>LC08_L1TP_027038_20210906_20210915_02_T1; LC08_L1TP_027039_20210906_20210915_02_T1</gco:CharacterString>
"additionalAttributes": {
"publishAll": true
the output CMR.JSON would look like follows
"AdditionalAttributes": [
"Values": [
"Name": "PercentCloudCover"
"Values": [
"LC08_L1TP_027038_20210906_20210915_02_T1; LC08_L1TP_027039_20210906_20210915_02_T1"
"Name": "SensorProductID"
"additionalAttributes": {
"publishAll": false,
"publish": ["PercentCloudCover"]
the output CMR.JSON would look like follows
"AdditionalAttributes": [
"Values": [
"Name": "PercentCloudCover"
"additionalAttributes": {
"publishAll": true,
"CloudCover": "PercentCloudCover"
the output CMR.JSON would look like follows
"AdditionalAttributes": [
"Values": [
"Name": "PercentCloudCover"
"Values": [
"LC08_L1TP_027038_20210906_20210915_02_T1; LC08_L1TP_027039_20210906_20210915_02_T1"
"Name": "SensorProductID"
"CloudCover": 76