Script for running subjects through DiffusionII Toolbox in SPM
This script was written for SPM8 (and the script relies on spm_get.m from spm 5), and runs subjects through the diffusion II toolbox:
It therefore needs the Diffusion Toolbox to be installed.
meta_DTI is used to run dti_preprocess, with each stage given by a specific letter:
d: reset DTI information
r: realign DW time series
c: coregister
n: normalisation
k: copy and reorient diffusion information
a: Compute ADC images
t: Compute Tensor
e: Tensor Decomposition
f: Tensor Indices
g: ghost masking
s: Smoothing
x: Extract DW information
m: Move reset (s) and realign (means) data to new folder
NB: Ghost Masking ('g') looks for the brainmask in spm8, and will need updated:
DTI_second_level_batch runs the second level analyses directly, again by calling a letter:
w: within group analysis: Model
x: within group analysis: Estimate
b: between group analysis: Model
c: between group analysis: Estimate
It is not very well annotated, and was adapted a few times.
It was used in the DTI analysis in: Philip J. A. Dean, Joao Ricardo Sato, Gilson Vieira, Adam McNamara & Annette Sterr (2015) Long-term structural changes after mTBI and their relation to post-concussion symptoms, Brain Injury, 29:10, 1211-1218, DOI: 10.3109/02699052.2015.1035334