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OnDeT Tool Evaluation for IEEE Access

This repository contains data used in the evaluation of the OnDeT tool. All queries are executed against OnDeT SPARQL endpoint.

Table of Contents

  1. Experiments
  2. PROV-O Ontology Evaluation
  3. OnDeT KG Evaluation
  4. The Evaluation Of The OnDeT Tool
  5. Q&A


PROV-O Ontology Evaluation

Foder prov-o-ontology folder contains the following files:

  • extended-prov-o.ttl: Extended the PROV-O ontology.
  • all_diff.nq: Axioms that have been changed to the io-extracted ontology.
  • semantic-diff-contodiff-iao-extracted.ttl: Individual assertions that desribe differences between two versions of the io-extracted ontology hosted in a GitHub repository. These difference are detected by the COnto-Diff tool.
  • differences-between-two-ontology-versions.sprql: A SPARQL query that can be executed against OnDeT SPARQL endpoint. Otherwise, please load the aforementioned TTL and NQ files into your triple store and run this query.
  • differences-between-two-ontology-versions-query-rsults.cvs: The reult of the previous SPARQL query.

OnDeT KG Evaluation

The ondet-kg-evaluation folder contains SPARQL queries and thier results that are used in the OnDeT KG evaluation. Each SPARQL query in this folder is related to a competency question used in the ONDET KG EVALUATION section.

The Evaluation Of The OnDeT Tool

The ondet-tool-evaluation folder contains the SPARQL queries and their results that are used in the OnDeT tool evaluation. Each SPARQL query in this folder is related to a competency question used in the THE EVALUATION OF THE ONDET TOOL section.


Q: OnDeT SPARQL endpoint is not accessible or requires user name and password.

A: If the OnDeT SPARQL endpoint is not accessible for any reason, please load all data located in the prov-o-ontology folder into your own triple store.


This repository contains data that are results of the OnDeT tool evaluation







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