Beat Saber Open Replay format to JSON converter
Disclaimer: This is my Go learning project, so expect bugs and ugly code
> bsor2json.exe -h
bsor2json v0.9.1
-h, --help display help information
help display help information
raw Convert raw replay data to JSON
events Simplify replay (notes/walls/pauses events only) and export to JSON
stats Calculate stats and export to JSON
> bsor2json.exe stats -h
Calculate stats and export to JSON
-h, --help display help information
-d, --dir directory containing bsor files to convert
-f, --file bsor file to convert
-o, --output output filename (with -f option) or directory (with -d option); defaults to stdout or bsor directory
--force[=false] force overwrite
-p, --pretty[=false] whether the output JSON should be pretty formatted; conversion time will be much longer and the file will be larger
-b, --buffered[=true] whether file read should be buffered; it's faster but increases memory usage
--parallel[=0] parallel processing of multiple replays at once; equal to the number of cpu cores if zero or not specified
--display-failed[=true] display failed replays when using the -d option
For example:
> bsor2json.exe stats -f filename.bsor --pretty
> bsor2json.exe events -h
Simplify replay (notes/walls/pauses events only) and export to JSON
-h, --help display help information
-d, --dir directory containing bsor files to convert
-f, --file bsor file to convert
-o, --output output filename (with -f option) or directory (with -d option); defaults to stdout or bsor directory
--force[=false] force overwrite
-p, --pretty[=false] whether the output JSON should be pretty formatted; conversion time will be much longer and the file will be larger
-b, --buffered[=true] whether file read should be buffered; it's faster but increases memory usage
--parallel[=0] parallel processing of multiple replays at once; equal to the number of cpu cores if zero or not specified
--display-failed[=true] display failed replays when using the -d option
-s, --with-stats[=true] whether to add stats
For example:
> bsor2json.exe events -d Replays --with-stats
> bsor2json.exe raw -h
Convert raw replay data to JSON
-h, --help display help information
-d, --dir directory containing bsor files to convert
-f, --file bsor file to convert
-o, --output output filename (with -f option) or directory (with -d option); defaults to stdout or bsor directory
--force[=false] force overwrite
-p, --pretty[=false] whether the output JSON should be pretty formatted; conversion time will be much longer and the file will be larger
-b, --buffered[=true] whether file read should be buffered; it's faster but increases memory usage
--parallel[=0] parallel processing of multiple replays at once; equal to the number of cpu cores if zero or not specified
--display-failed[=true] display failed replays when using the -d option
For example:
> bsor2json.exe raw -f filename.bsor -o filename.json --force
Install cosmtrek/air, customize the args_bin
in .air.toml
and then:
go build -ldflags "-s -w"