Simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles. To use this api you need to generate SAMPLE KEY from
ANDROID Current flow of Project
- Load data from network Api :- To load data from network I have used RETROFIT network library.
- Handling data :- Livedata, GSON, Viewmodel
- Architecture Pattern **:-**MVVM(Model-View-Viewmodel)
- Image Loading **:-**Glide for displaying circular transformation
- Language :- Kotlin
- Displaying cards of data :- Recyclerview
- Internet No network handling :- displaying snackbar
- Testing :- Unit testing and Espresso Instrumentation Testing*
How we can improve this more
- DetailView Activity As message is displaying only 4 lines
- Add shared element Transition Animation
- Progress bar for initial loading
- Shimmer fake view for cards message loading
- Network available check
- Alert / Error dialog
- Database – Room for offline and already loaded message
- Paging library for load more data
- Swipe to refres data