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x64dbg / snowman
Forked from yegord/snowmanSnowman Decompiler for x64dbg (LOOKING FOR MAINTAINER)
Incredibly fast Whisper-large-v3
benblack769 / lc0-stockfish-hybrid
Forked from LeelaChessZero/lc0A hybrid engine leveraging the strengths of both lc0 and stockfish
A Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead launcher with additional features
pplux / sokol
Forked from floooh/sokolminimal 3D API wrapper as header-only C library
GaloisInc / betaflight
Forked from betaflight/betaflightOpen Source Flight Controller Firmware
VTMAK / osgearth
Forked from gwaldron/osgearthA free open source C++ geospatial toolkit.
Open-Shell / Open-Shell-Menu
Forked from coddec/Classic-ShellClassic Shell Reborn.
An anti-adblock defuser for uBlock Origin on Firefox
C# Winforms application for editing JSON files from the game Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead.
dbartolini / bgfx
Forked from bkaradzic/bgfxCross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
iPruch / X-GSD
Forked from AndresRuizBernabeu/X-GSDA basic data-driven C++ game engine built upon SFML
dhowe / AdNauseam
Forked from gorhill/uBlockAdNauseam: Fight back against advertising surveillance
Oberon00 / luabind
Forked from luabind/luabindLuabind is a library that helps you create bindings between C++ and Lua.
xoreaxeaxeax / movfuscator
Forked from Battelle/movfuscatorThe single instruction C compiler
cristianadam / io2d
Forked from cpp-io2d/P0267_RefImplReference Implementations of ISO C++ N3888
odeke-em / drive
Forked from rakyll/driveGoogle Drive client for the commandline
dreamlayers / em-dosbox
Forked from timfel/dosbox-svnAn Emscripten port of DOSBox
Tarsnap / libarchive
Forked from libarchive/libarchiveMulti-format archive and compression library
infosia / swig-squirrel
Forked from swig/swigSWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) with Squirrel Language Support
floooh / turbobadger
Forked from fruxo/turbobadgerSmall footprint UI library for hardware accelerated games & applications
floooh / Remotery
Forked from Celtoys/RemoteryRealtime CPU/D3D/OpenGL/CUDA Profiler in a single C file with web browser viewer
wibiti / uncompyle2
Forked from gstarnberger/uncompylePython 2.7 decompiler
jcsalomon / re2c
Forked from yasm/yasmC port of re2c from the Yasm project
frankrolf / hershey-fonts
Forked from kamalmostafa/hershey-fontsHershey vector fonts library, tools, and glyphs
johnmcfarlane / SG14
Forked from WG21-SG14/SG14A library for Study Group 14 of Working Group 21 (C++)