git clone [email protected]:lazywa/dotfiles.git
cp -r dotfiles/* ~/.config/
cp dotfiles/.zshrc ~/
yay -S alactirry kitty
yay -S waybar swaybg swaylock swayidle wlogout wpaperd
yay -S mako kanshi xfce-polkit network-manager-applet
yay -S ranger exa brightnessctl rofi-lbonn-wayland-git
yay -S pavucontrol blueberry blueman
yay -S nerd-fonts-cascadia-code nerd-fonts-jetbrains-mono nerd-fonts-robotomono
yay -S oranchelo-icon-theme
yay -S greetd greetd-tuigreet
systemctl enable greetd
# The VT to run the greeter on. Can be "next", "current" or a number
# designating the VT.
vt = 1
# The default session, also known as the greeter.
# `agreety` is the bundled agetty/login-lookalike. You can replace `$SHELL`
# with whatever you want started, such as `sway`.
command = "tuigreet --user-menu --asterisks --cmd wayfire"
# The user to run the command as. The privileges this user must have depends
# on the greeter. A graphical greeter may for example require the user to be
# in the `video` group.
user = "lazywa"
# Fix open in terminal
gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec alacritty
yay -S brightnessctl
# use
brightnessctl set 5%-
brightnessctl set 5%+
See catppuccin