parallel image processing algorithms using PyMP and OpenMP
The following algorithms were parallelized:
Gaussian Blurring
Otsu thresholding
Sobel edge detection algorithm
All the algorithms were implemented serially in Python and parallelized using PyMP( Otsu thresholding was implemented in C as well, both serially and parallely using OpenMP ( The speedup achieved in Python (using PyMP) was found to be better in comparison to speedup achieved in C (using OpenMP).
Here are the description of files: => parallel implementation of Gaussian blurring => serial implementation of Gaussian blurring
mypgm_omp.h => header file for C for image reading, writing, saving etc. => serial implemetation of Otsu thresholding in C => parallel implemetation of Otsu thresholding in C => serial implementation of sobel operator => parallel implementation of sobel operator