This is a Chrome extension created to help UCSD students create their class planner. It helps consolidate the workflow most students follow.
- Show [Rate My Professors] ( ratings
- Show [CAPE] ( data
- Show [AS Grade Distributions] (
Contributions are greatly appreciated! Feel free to create a fork and then make a pull request. If you need any help please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
google-chrome and node-uglify are required to make the planner-helper.crx file which can be used to install the extension into Google Chrome.
Click here to download Google Chrome
To install node-uglify on ubuntu based distros:
sudo apt install node-uglify
From the base directory, run this command to build the extension: ''' ./ '''
To manually build the extension, run the following commands while in the base directory:
google-chrome --pack-extension={extension path}
./ {extension path} {path of .pem generated by previous step}