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Tags: koning/spack



Toggle v0.8.17's commit message
Spack version 0.8.17

Minor release with documentation updates to Master.


Toggle v0.8.16's commit message
v0.8.16 Release Notes


5 new packages since 0.8.15:
 - cram
 - metis
 - otf
 - ravel
 - scotch
 - Fix for SAMRAI fetch URL.

For packagers
  - MPICH now sets up MPICH_CC, MPICH_CXX, etc. in dependent environment
    so that dependency builds use Spack compiler wrappers.
  - Simpler build error messages on fail (no more python stacktrace)
  - Disable CMake policy warnings in `std_cmake_args`.
  - Remove superfluous compiler wrapper links (g++ link interfered with icpc)
  - Several new packaging helper functions:
    - `install_tree`
    - `traverse_tree`
    - `force_symlink`


Toggle v0.8.15's commit message
v0.8.15 Release Notes


100 new packages since 0.8.11:
Mitos       gtkplus        mpfr          py-matplotlib        py-shiboken
R           harfbuzz       mpibash       py-mpi4py            py-sip
atk         icu            muster        py-mx                py-six
bison       icu4c          nasm          py-nose              py-sympy
bzip2       isl            netcdf        py-numpy             py-virtualenv
cairo       jdk            nettle        py-pexpect           python
cloog       lcms           pango         py-pil               qhull
dbus        libdrm         pcre          py-pmw               qt
dri2proto   libffi         pixman        py-pychecker         qthreads
flex        libgcrypt      ppl           py-pygments          readline
gasnet      libgpg-error   py-basemap    py-pylint            rose
gcc         libjpeg-turbo  py-biopython  py-pyparsing         ruby
gdk-pixbuf  libmng         py-cython     py-pyqt              tcl
geos        libxcb         py-dateutil   py-pyside            tk
git         libxml2        py-epydoc     py-pytz              util-linux
glib        libxshmfence   py-gnuplot    py-rpy2              vtk
gmp         libxslt        py-h5py       py-scientificpython  wget
gnutls      memaxes        py-ipython    py-scikit-learn      xcb-proto
gperf       mesa           py-libxml2    py-scipy             xz
gperftools  mpc            py-mako       py-setuptools        yasm

For users
  - Support for Python and Python extensions.
  - Python extensions can be activated/deactivated in an installation.
  - Updated documentation
  - Clearer 'spack find' output
  - Bugfixes for mirroring
  - Graphing dependencies with spack graph
  - ROSE Compiler (
  - New commands:
      - spack extensions
      - spack activate
      - spack deactivate
      - spack clean (behaves like old clean -d)
      - spack restage (behaves like old clean -w)

For packagers
  - Package extensions, e.g.: extends('python')
  - Extensible activation/deactivation of extensions
  - Dependencies can set variables/build options for dependents
      - setup_dependent_environment()
  - Support fetch URLs with query strings.
  - New commands:
      - spack env
      - spack graph


Toggle v0.8.11's commit message
Bugfix release

- spack inadvertently required git, hg, svn, and svnadmin.
- this version doens't require them unless they're used.


Toggle v0.8.10's commit message
v0.8.10: Fancy fetching

v0.8.10 Release Notes

For users
  - Packages can now fetch source from git, svn, and hg repositories.
  - Environment module support, docs.
  - Extensive additions to online documentation.
  - 18 new packages

For packagers
  - Versions in ranges are now more permissive, fixing some long-standing
    bugs.  pkg@:1 will now match [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc.
    Previously "@:1" would not match any minor or patch versions above 1.
  - Github-aware list urls (spack will find releases tab on github)

  - spack list can now do globs (e.g., spack list mpi*)
  - spack md5 command does single-file checksums
  - spack info -r autogenerates package list for documentation.
  - spack edit -c can edit Spack commands by name.

  - Extensive new unit tests (for fetching and mirroring)
  - MPI installs can work without fortran compilers
  - Version updates fix long-standing test failure. Tests all pass now.
  - Many bugfixes

18 new packages
  ImageMagick  automake   fontconfig  libNBC   libtool  netgauge
  autoconf     bib2xhtml  freetype    libpng   lwm2     sundials
  automaded    coreutils  jpeg        libtiff  mpe2     swig


Toggle v0.8.5's commit message
Spack version 0.8.5

New features for users:
- Integration with TCL modules and dotkit
  - spack use/unuse, spcak load/unload
- Works with Python 2.6 (as well as 2.7 like before)
- 24 new packages:
  adept-utils  extrae      libmonitor  ompss    papi        scorep
  clang        hwloc       llvm        opari2   paraver     sqlite
  cube         libarchive  llvm-lld    openssl  postgresql  wx
  dtcmp        libcircle   lwgrp       otf2     scalasca    wxpropgrid

New features for packagers and developers:
- Per-version URLs
- Compiler-dependent C++11 flag
- CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH now set before install()
- Improved spec design, more stability
- New commands:
  - spack pkg
  - spack cd
  - spack location


Toggle v0.8's commit message
Fix Jeff Keasler's issues and add parmetis package.