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Developer-friendly structured concurrency library for the JVM

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Developer-friendly structured concurrency library for the JVM, based on:

Requires JDK 20. Applications need the following JVM flags: --enable-preview --add-modules jdk.incubator.concurrent.

sbt dependency:

"com.softwaremill.ox" %% "core" % "0.0.10"

Introductory articles:


If you'd have feedback, development ideas or critique, please head to our community forum!

API overview

Run two computations in parallel

import ox.par

def computation1: Int =

def computation2: String =

val result: (Int, String) = par(computation1)(computation2)
// (1, "2")

If one of the computations fails, the other is interrupted, and par waits until both branches complete.

Race two computations

import ox.raceSuccess

def computation1: Int =

def computation2: Int =

val result: Int = raceSuccess(computation1)(computation2)
// 2

The loosing computation is interrupted using Thread.interrupt. raceSuccess waits until both branches finish; this also applies to the loosing one, which might take a while to clean up after interruption.

Error handling

  • raceSuccess returns the first result, or re-throws the last exception
  • raceResult returns the first result, or re-throws the first exception

Timeout a computation

import ox.timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

def computation: Int =

val result1: Try[Int] = Try(timeout(1.second)(computation)) // failure: TimeoutException
val result2: Try[Int] = Try(timeout(3.seconds)(computation)) // success: 1

A variant, timeoutOption, doesn't throw a TimeoutException on timeout, but returns None instead.

Fork & join threads

It's safest to use higher-level methods, such as par or raceSuccess, however this isn't always sufficient. For these cases, threads can be started using the structured concurrency APIs described below.

The lifetime of the threads is defined by the structure of the code, and corresponds to the scoped block. Once the code blocked passed to scoped completes, any forks that are still running are interrupted. The whole scoped block will completely only once all forks have completed (successfully, or with an exception).

Hence, it is guaranteed that all forks started within scoped will finish successfully, with an exception, or due to an interrupt.

import ox.{fork, scoped}

// same as `par`
scoped {
  val f1 = fork {

  val f2 = fork {

  (f1.join(), f2.join())

It is a compile-time error to use fork outside of a scoped block. Helper methods might require to be run within a scoped block by requiring the Ox capability:

import ox.{fork, Fork, Ox, scoped}

def forkComputation(p: Int)(using Ox): Fork[Int] = fork {
  Thread.sleep(p * 1000)
  p + 1

scoped {
  val f1 = forkComputation(2)
  val f2 = forkComputation(4)
  (f1.join(), f2.join())

Scopes can be arbitrarily nested.

Cancelling forks

Forks can be cancelled using .cancel, which interrupts the fork and awaits its completion. Alternatively, .cancelNow returns immediately. Still, the enclosing scope will only complete once the fork has completed, regardless of the method that has been called to cancel it.

Error handling

If a fork fails with an exception, the Fork.join method will throw that exception. If there's no join and the fork fails, the exception might go unnoticed.

Scoped values

Scoped value replace usages of ThreadLocal when using virtual threads and structural concurrency. They are useful to propagate auxiliary context, e.g. trace or correlation ids.

Values are bound structurally as well, e.g.:

import ox.{ForkLocal, fork, scoped}

val v = ForkLocal("a")
scoped {
  println(v.get()) // "a"
  fork {
    v.scopedWhere("x") {
      println(v.get()) // "x"
      fork {
        println(v.get()) // "x"
  println(v.get()) // "a"

Scoped values propagate across nested scopes.


When catching exceptions, care must be taken not to catch & fail to propagate an InterruptedException. Doing so will prevent the scope cleanup mechanisms to make appropriate progress, as the scope won't finish until all started threads complete.

A good solution is to catch only non-fatal exception using NonFatal, e.g.:

import ox.{forever, fork, scoped}

def processSingleItem(): Unit = ()

scoped {
  fork {
    forever {
      try processSingleItem()
      catch case NonFatal(e) => logger.error("Processing error", e)

  // do something else that keeps the scope busy



Resources can be allocated within a scope. They will be released in reverse acquisition order, after the scope completes (that is, after all forks started within finish). E.g.:

import ox.useScoped

case class MyResource(c: Int)

def acquire: MyResource = 
  println("acquiring ...")
def release(resource: MyResource): Unit =
  println(s"releasing ${resource.c}...")

scoped {
  val resource1 = useInScope(acquire(10))(release)
  val resource2 = useInScope(acquire(20))(release)
  println(s"Using $resource1 ...")
  println(s"Using $resource2 ...")


Resources can also be used in a dedicated scope:

import ox.useScoped

case class MyResource(c: Int)

def acquire: MyResource = 
  println("acquiring ...")
def release(resource: MyResource): Unit =
  println(s"releasing ${resource.c}...")

useScoped(acquire(10))(release) { resource =>
  println(s"Using $resource ...")

If the resource extends AutoCloseable, the release method doesn't need to be provided.

Helper control flow methods

There are some helper methods which might be useful when writing forked code:

  • forever { ... } repeatedly evaluates the given code block forever
  • repeatWhile { ... } repeatedly evaluates the given code block, as long as it returns true
  • retry(times, sleep) { ... } retries the given block up to the given number of times
  • uninterruptible { ... } evaluates the given code block making sure it can't be interrupted


Extension-method syntax can be imported using import ox.syntax.*. This allows calling methods such as .fork, .raceSuccessWith, .parWith, .forever, .useInScope directly on code blocks / values.

Channels basics

A channel is like a queue (data can be sent/received), but additionally channels support:

  • completion (a source can be done)
  • error propagation downstream
  • receiving exactly one value from a number of channels

Creating a channel is a light-weight operation:

import ox.channels.*
val c = Channel[String]()

By default, channels are unbuffered, that is a sender and receiver must "meet" to exchange a value. Hence, .send always blocks, unless there's another thread waiting on a .receive.

Buffered channels can be created by providing a non-zero capacity:

import ox.channels.*
val c = Channel[String](5)

Channels implement two trait: Source and Sink.


Data can be sent to a channel using .send. Once no more data items are available, completion can be signalled using .done. If there's an error when producing data, this can be signalled using .error:

import ox. {fork, scoped}
import ox.channels.*

val c = Channel[String]()
scoped {
  fork {

  // TODO: receive

.send is blocking, hence usually channels are shared across forks to communicate data between them.


A source can be used to receive elements from a channel. The .receive() method can block, and the result might be one of the following:

trait Source[+T]:
  def receive(): T | ChannelClosed

sealed trait ChannelClosed
object ChannelClosed:
  case class Error(reason: Option[Exception]) extends ChannelClosed
  case object Done extends ChannelClosed

That is, the result might be a value, or information that the channel is closed. A channel can be done or an error might have occurred. Using an extension method provided by the ox.channels.* import, closed information can be thrown as an exception using receive().orThrow: T.

Creating sources

Sources can be created using one of the many factory methods on the Source companion object, e.g.:

import ox.channels.Source
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

Source.fromValues(1, 2, 3)
Source.tick(1.second, "x")
Source.iterate(0)(_ + 1) // natural numbers

Transforming sources (eagerly)

Sources can be transformed by receiving values, manipulating them and sending to other channels - this provides the highest flexibility and allows creating arbitrary channel topologies.

However, there's a number of common operations that are built-in as methods on Source, which allow transforming the source. For example:

import ox.scoped
import ox.channels.{Channel, Source}

scoped {
  val c = Channel[String]()
  val c2: Source[Int] = => s.length())

The .map needs to be run within a scope, as it starts a new virtual thread (using fork), which:

  • immediately starts receiving values from the given source
  • applies the given function
  • sends the result to the new channel

The new channel is returned to the user as the return value of .map.

Some other available combinators include .filter, .take, .zip(otherSource), .merge(otherSource) etc.

To run multiple transformations within one virtual thread / fork, the .transform method is available:

import ox.scoped
import ox.channels.{Channel, Source}

scoped {
  val c = Channel[Int]()
  fork {
    Source.iterate(0)(_ + 1) // natural numbers
      .transform(_.filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(_ + 1).take(10)) // take the 10 first even numbers, incremented by 1
      .foreach(n => println(n.toString))

Capacity of transformation stages

Most source transformation methods create new channels, on which the transformed values are produced. The capacity of these channels by default is 0 (unbuffered). This can be overridden by providing StageCapacity given, e.g.:

(v: Source[Int]).map(_ + 1)(using StageCapacity(10))

Transforming sources (lazily)

A limited number of transformations can be applied to a source without creating a new channel and a new fork, which computes the transformation. These include: .mapAsView, .filterAsView and .collectAsView.

For example:

import ox.scoped
import ox.channels.{Channel, Source}

val c = Channel[String]()
val c2: Source[Int] = c.mapAsView(s => s.length())

The mapping function (s => s.length()) will only be invoked when the source is consumed (using .receive() or select), on the calling thread. This is in contrast to .map, where the mapping function is invoked on a separate fork.

Hence, creating views doesn't need to be run within a scope, and creating the view itself doesn't consume any elements from the source on which it is run.

Discharging channels

Values of a source can be terminated using methods such as .foreach, .toList, .pipeTo or .drain. These methods are blocking, and hence don't need to be run within a scope:

import ox.channels.Source

val s = Source.fromValues(1, 2, 3)
s.toList // List(1, 2, 3)

Selecting from channels

Channels are distinct from queues in that they support a select method, which takes a number of channel clauses, and block until at least one clause is satisfied. The other channels are left intact (no values are sent or received).

Channel clauses include:

  • channel.receiveClause - to receive a value from the channel
  • channel.sendClause(value) - to send a value to a channel
  • Default(value) - to return the given value from the select, if no other clause can be immediately satisfied

Receiving from exactly one channel

The most common use-case for select is to receive from exactly one channel. There's a dedicated select variant for this use-case, which accepts a number of Sources, for which receive clauses are created. The signature for the two-source variant of this method is:

def select[T1, T2](source1: Source[T1], source2: Source[T2]): T1 | T2 | ChannelClosed

As an example, this can be used as follows:

import ox.Source
import ox.channels.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

case object Tick
def consumer(strings: Source[String]): Nothing =
  scoped {
    val tick = Source.tick(1.second, Tick)

    def doConsume(acc: Int): Nothing =
      select(tick, strings).orThrow match
        case Tick =>
"Characters received this second: $acc")
        case s: String => doConsume(acc + s.length)


If any of the channels is in an error state, select returns with that error. If all channels are done, selects returns with a Done as well.

Selects are biased towards clauses/sources that appear first in the argument list. To achieve fairness, you might want to randomize the ordering of the clauses/sources.

Mixed receive and send clauses

The select method can also be used to send a value to exactly one channel, or with mixed receive and send clauses. It is guaranteed that exactly one clause will be satisfied (either a value sent, or received from exactly one of the channels).

For example:

import ox.channels.Channel

val c = Channel[Int]()
val d = Channel[Int]()

select(c.sendClause(10), d.receiveClause)

The above will block until a value can be sent to d (as this is an unbuffered channel, for this to happen there must be a concurrently running receive call), or until a value can be received from c.

The type returned by the above invocation is:

c.Sent | d.Received | ChannelClosed

Note that the Sent and Received types are inner types of the c and d values. For different channels, the Sent / Received instances will have distinct classes, hence allowing distinguishing which clause has been satisfied.

Channel closed values can be inspected, or converted to an exception using .orThrow.

The results of a select can be inspected using a pattern match:

import ox.channels.*

val c = Channel[Int]()
val d = Channel[Int]()

select(c.sendClause(10), d.receiveClause).orThrow match
  case c.Sent()      => println("Sent to c")
  case d.Received(v) => println(s"Received from d: $v")

If there's a missing case, the compiler will warn you that the match is not exhaustive, and give you a hint as to what is missing. Similarly, there will be a warning in case of an unneeded, extra match case.

Default clauses

A default clause can be provided, which specifies the return value of the select, in case no other clause can be immediately satisfied. The clause can be created with Default, and in case the value is used, it is returned wrapped in DefaultResult. For example:

import ox.channels.*

val c = Channel[Int]()

select(c.receiveClause, Default(5)).orThrow match
  case c.Received(v)    => println(s"Received from d: $v")
  case DefaultResult(v) => println(s"No value available in c, using default: $v")

There can be at most one default clause in a select invocation.

Error propagation

Errors are only propagated downstream, ultimately reaching the point where the source is discharged, leading to an exception being thrown there.

Won't this design cause upstream channels / sources to operate despite the consumer being gone (because of the exception)?

No: the exception should cause the containing scope to finish, interrupting any forks that are operating in the background. Any unused channels can then be garbage-collected.

The role of the exception handler is then to re-create the entire processing pipeline, or escalate the error further.


Channels are back-pressured, as the .send operation is blocking until there's a receiver thread available, or if there's enough space in the buffer. The processing space is bound by the total size of channel buffers.


Performance is unknown, hasn't been measured and the code hasn't been optimized. We'd welcome contributions in this area!


To compile and test, run:

sbt compile
sbt test


Developer-friendly structured concurrency library for the JVM






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