A Vim/Neovim plugin to detect indentation options automatically powered by denops.vim.
Once you install this plugin, indentation options will be detected automatically.
If you want to customize its behavior, see the documentation.
There are great existing similar plugins. For example:
vim-detect-indent uses a simpler algorithm: it determines indentation based on
the majority of indented lines. If lines are indented with hard tabs,
will be set. If spaces are used, expandtab
and shiftwidth={n}
will be applied. vim-detect-indent’s behavior is predictable due to its
straightforward algorithm. While it may not cover all indentation scenarios, it
is designed to work well in many common cases.
For dein.vim users:
call dein#add("kg8m/vim-detect-indent")
For vim-plug users:
Plug 'kg8m/vim-detect-indent'
- Deno
- denops.vim
- Vim or Neovim
Supported version of Deno, Vim, and Neovim depends on denops.vim. Please see denops.vim’s README.