I'm Josh, a Full-Stack Developer and mentor living & working in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
- 🖥 Jul 2024 - Playing with Zed in Vim mode and loving it so far. (switching from VS Code)
- 🎉 July 2024 - Release v11.10 of Highlight.js
- 🖥 Jun 2024 - Using tmux daily now and it has saved me (from drowing in ~100 different terminal windows)
(spare emoji: ✨)
- 👔 Helping people get the medicine they need at CoverMyMeds
- 🛠 Maintainer of Highlight.js project
- 🛠 Maintainer of Keyszer project
- 🛠 Maintainer (and creator) of the Exercism Wren Track and all Exercism's Wren tooling
- 👨🏻🏫 Prolific Exercism.org mentor and clean code evangalist (my profile)
- 👨🏻💻 I created and run the pasting service Pastie (now OSS as Pastie Express)
- ⚙️ I'm most fluent in: English,
- ☢️ I know enough to be dangerous with:
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with graphics/illustration for my next text adventure.
- 📷 I take photos of things. (smugmug instagram)
- ❤️ I love: Wren, TIC-80, Adventuron
- ⚡️ Fun fact: I write micro-fiction; love the limits it forces on creativity. (read some)
- 💬 Ping me about: clean code, mentoring, collaborating, consulting/freelancing...
- 📫 Email me: [email protected]
An example of my writing; only 50 words (my sweet spot):
“Jonas, report to transporter room three.” He dreaded those words. Would his family miss him? Did he have family? What was his full name? So many unanswered questions. He would miss his undeveloped character support group. Donuts tonight, damn. He grabbed his phaser. Duty called. He was a redshirt after-all.
And if you're now asking "Wait, what's a Redshirt?"... Redshirt