- YAML Configuration.
- Simple and Performant GUI interface.
- Powerful and Efficient Command Syntax
- Timed Rank Support
- Permission Inheritance Support
- Tab and Chat per Rank
- Rankup Command
- Plugin Settings via GUI
/realpermissions (Alias: /rp) Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Opens the RealPermissions GUI for the player to manage permissions and ranks. If used by the console, it displays information about the plugin.
/realpermissions reload (Alias: /rp rl) Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Reloads the configuration files, including language settings, ranks, rankups, and player data.
/realpermissions rank (Alias: /rp r) - Requires specifying a rank name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Opens the Rank GUI for the specified rank, allowing the player to manage rank permissions and members.
/realpermissions players (Alias: /rp p) Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Opens the Players GUI, which allows the player to manage player-specific permissions and ranks.
/realpermissions ranks Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Lists all available ranks along with their prefixes. If used by a player, it opens the RankViewer GUI.
/realpermissions setsuper (Alias: /rp setsu) - Requires specifying a player name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Toggles the superuser status of the specified player, allowing them to bypass certain permission checks.
/realpermissions set (Alias: /rp s) - Requires specifying a player name and a rank name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Sets the specified player's rank to the specified rank.
/realpermissions settimedrank (Alias: /rp str) - Requires specifying a player name, a rank name, and a duration in seconds. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Sets a timed rank for the specified player for the specified duration.
/realpermissions cleartimedrank (Alias: /rp ctr) - Requires specifying a player name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Clears the timed rank for the specified player if they have one.
/realpermissions rename (Alias: /rp ren) - Requires specifying a rank name and a new name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Renames the specified rank to the new name.
/realpermissions delete (Alias: /rp del) - Requires specifying a rank name. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Deletes the specified rank if it is not the default rank.
/realpermissions permission (Alias: /rp perm) - Requires specifying an operation (add/remove), a rank name, and a permission node. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Adds or removes the specified permission node to/from the specified rank.
/realpermissions playerperm (Alias: /rp pperm) - Requires specifying an operation (add/remove), a player name, and a permission node. Permission: realpermissions.admin Description: Adds or removes the specified permission node to/from the specified player.
RealPermissions softdepends on Vault.
You can access the RealPermissionsAPI via the RealPermissionsAPI class:
var rpAPI = RealPermissionsAPI.getInstance();
For registering a plugin in RealPermissions, you have to use the RealPermissionsHookAPI:
var rpAPI = RealPermissionsAPI.getInstance();
rpAPI.getHooksAPI().addHook(new ExternalPlugin("Name", "&aDisplayName", "Description", Material.CHEST, Arrays.asList(
new ExternalPluginPermission("permission.one", "description1", Arrays.asList("command1", "command2")),
new ExternalPluginPermission("permission.two", "description2")
), "PLUGIN_VERSION", ExternalPlugin.PluginSource.API));
There are other classes in the RealPermissionsAPI, like the RankManagerAPI and PlayerManagerAPI that you can hook up to.