I'm Konrad, a full stack developer from Dresden, Germany.
- Content Planner: TYPO3 extension with a page status functionality to support the planning of content work, e.g. a migration process.
- Frontend Edit: TYPO3 extension which provides an edit button for editors within frontend content elements.
- Recent Updates: A widget for the dashboard to display recently updated elements.
- Internal News: TYPO3 extension with an internal news system containing custom access and notification capabilities for the TYPO3 backend.
- Environment Indicator: TYPO3 extension with several features to show an environment indicator in the frontend and backend.
- Dump Server: TYPO3 extension that brings the Symfony Var Dump Server to TYPO3.
- Toolbox: TYPO3 extension with several tools for integrators and developers.
- SystemInformationBundle: Sonata Admin bundle to display systemically relevant information
- db_sync_tool: Python script to synchronize a database from an origin to a target system.
- Deployer Tools: The XIMA Deployer Tools combine multiple deployer recipes for an improved deployment process and workflow.
- Lighthouse Garden: Monitoring performance data for websites using the lighthouse service.
- DDEV Commands Collection: Collection of reusable DDEV commands.
- ddev-typo3-multi-version-extension: DDEV add-on for TYPO3 multi version instances for TYPO3 extension development.
- temps: Simple menubar application based on Electron with actual weather information and forecast.
- clockwork/ai: Simple DIY clock project to generate AI poems by current time.
- Weather Iconic: An open source weather icon set.
📫 Contact: [email protected]