A passionate Machine Learning Engineer from the Netherlands
🙂 Jordi Smit ┣━━ ⭐ Online Projects ┃ ┣━━ jordismit.com - Blog ┃ ┣━━ Computer vision based game score calculator for Cascadia - Web App ┃ ┣━━ Client side audio transcription in browser - Web App ┃ ┗━━ Obsidian copilot auto completion - Obsidian plugin ┣━━ 📦 Open Source ┃ ┣━━ Obsidian copilot auto completion - Github repo ┃ ┗━━ ToDoist LLM Agent - LLM agent that can manage your todoist-based todo lists ┣━━ 👍 Contributions ┃ ┣━━ Kedro-AzureML - Fix authorization issues on AzureML Compute Instance ┃ ┗━━ PyTorch-lightning - Fix memory corruption bug on M1 Macs ┣━━ 👨💻 Employer ┃ ┗━━ Xebia Data formaly known as GoDataDriven - Data and AI consultancy ┃ ┣━━ Kedro-Azureml-Starter - A template and tutorial for AzureML-based Kedro projects ┃ ┗━━ AzureML-experiment-tracking-tutorial - Intro into experiment tracking on AzureML ┣━━ 🎙️ Talks ┃ ┣━━ LLM Agents 101 - PyData Amsterdam 2023 ┃ ┗━━ Slack bots 101 - PyData Berlin 2022 ┣━━ ✏️️ Blogs ┃ ┣━━ How to Upload (Pre)-Annotations to Roboflow ┃ ┣━━ How to avoid orientation bugs in Computer Vision labeling? ┃ ┣━━ What does it take to add Copilot to Obsidian? ┃ ┣━━ What does it take to let ChatGPT manage my Todoist tasks? ┃ ┣━━ The Surprising Impact of Kedro's' Data Catalog ┃ ┣━━ Adding Application Insight Based Monitoring to Fast API ┃ ┣━━ DIY auto-grad Engine ┃ ┗━━ Python Dataclass From Scratch ┗━━ 🎓 Publications ┣━━ PEBL: Pessimistic ensembles for offline deep reinforcement learning ┗━━ Offside: Learning to identify mistakes in boundary conditionsFollow me on Linkedin