The main goal of this demo is to showcase how to use Infinispan client with Quarkus.
Infinispan features that are being used:
Create stores dynamically
Simple get/put operations
Full-text query
Continuous query
Quarkus features:
REST web-service
Web Socket
Task Scheduling
Application properties
Application lifecycle events listeners
The demo is composed by two applications that run independently:
Hogwarts monitoring
Wizards magic
Each application has a dedicated section in this documentation
Quarkus uses the Infinispan Remote Client ("Hot Rod"). You need to have an Infinispan Server running before you run this demo.
docker run -it -p 11222:11222 -e USER="admin" -e PASS="password" infinispan/server
Docker for mac users. There is a known issue to connect with the server using the Hot Rod client.
Blog post here.
You won’t need to do this in production, but for testing/development purposes, if you want to connect to a Infinispan
Server running in a Docker container, create file under src/main/resources/META-INF folder
in each application and configure infinispan.client.hotrod.client_intelligence=BASIC
Download the server from here
Unzip the file
Create a user with admin rights from the installation folder:
./bin/ user create admin -p password
Run a standalone server from the installation folder:
Characters can execute spells, and we want to monitor who is in Hogwarts and performing magic.
has an id, name, biography and type (other, student, teacher, muggle). -
has an id, name and description. -
is performed by a character. This character may or may not be at Hogwarts.
class loads characters and spells in two separate stores.
This is done at startup time
Hogwarts Magic Creator is going to emulate characters performing some magic. It will randomly pick a character and a spell to perform (if they can)! Characters in Hogwarts are teachers or students.
To disable this service, set create.magic property to false in the .
A simple REST service is available to query characters by id or perform a full-text search of the name or the biography.
A socket that performs a Continuous Query making it possible to monitor which characters in Hogwarts are currently performing magic. The continuous query does not have to go to the server and it is all stored in the client application itself. Read more about these queries in the official Infinispan documentation.
Change into the hogwarts-monitoring
To run in development mode, just run mvn clean compile quarkus:dev
. This allows for hot swapping the application, so you can tweak parts of it
and it will automatically redeploy.
Go to http://localhost:8080 and monitor the magic!
You will be connected to the monitoring socket. The interface displays some links to display a character by id and perform a full-text search.
mvn clean package cd target java -jar hogwarts-monitoring-runner.jar
mvn package -Pnative cd target ./hogwarts-monitoring-runner
Maven copies hp_characters.csv
and hp_spells.csv
to the target directory, that’s why it’s easier to run the executables
from the target
folder. However you can override these files location at runtime.
java -jar -Dcharacters.filename=/my/path/hp_characters.csv -Dspells.filename=/my/path/hp_spells.csv hogwarts-monitoring-runner.jar
./hogwarts-monitoring-runner -Dcharacters.filename=/my/path/hp_characters.csv -Dspells.filename=/my/path/hp_spells.csv
The wizards-magic
application is a simple web application that allows to put curses on someone!
Run this application as explained above. The application will be available at http://localhost:8082.
A simple form will be displayed. You can add you name, pick a curse and tell which kind of Wizard you are. If the Hogwarts monitoring is running, you should be able to see your curse displayed… If you chose to be a teacher or a student, of course!
kubectl create secret generic clients-credentials
eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)
./mvnw clean package -Dquarkus.kubernetes.deploy=true -DskipTests=true
curl -sL | bash -s v0.19.1
kubectl create -f
kubectl get csv -n operators
kubectl create secret generic --from-file=identities.yaml connect-secret