I'm Abe (he/they), a Software Architect at ICterra. I work on the embedded software development in telecommunication projects. I'm a PhD candidate at Ege University.
I’m an electrical engineer specialized on Power Electronics. I work at all levels of electrical engineering down to up so far as technician, engineer, lecturer, and executive. Also, I got formal educations all levels of electrical engineering, and I have MSc. degree.
- Embedded Systems/Software
- Machine Learning
- Power Electronics
- Electric Machinery
- Modeling and Simulations
In addition to my previous experiences, I’ve worked as a Real Time Linux Software Application Engineer and a Senior Embedded Software Engineer, during this time I’ve built from scratch the whole embedded system by using the YOCTO, Docker, Node JS, C/C++ and Qt/QML, FreeRTOS/ThreadX RTOS, embedded RPC and IEEE1588. I used the NXP iMX8m, Jetson Nano and STM32H7 as base platform. Also I’m a contributor for eRPC. You can check it on the eRPC GitHub repo, https://github.com/EmbeddedRPC/erpc.
- The latest tool I have been mastering is Docker, I’ve been combining it with Embedded Platforms for ease of prototyping apps.
- Naturally curious, I’m always looking for ways to improve, in any area of my life.
- What’s next is always as important to me as to where I’ve been, growth is a continual process.
I have experiences with the various collaboration tools including Jira, Confluence, Git and Gerrit. You can find my works on GitHub. Following repositories, maybe a showcase about my works.
- https://github.com/ierturk/qt-qml-ai-collection
- https://github.com/ierturk/dev-containers
- https://github.com/ierturk/erpc-extension
All companies are communities. It’s important to take care of yourself and each other and to proactively look for ways to do both. Ways I care for the communities in my life...
- Code and accessibility matters, you never know how long your code will be in use. I always comment, and cleanup.
- I’m an author for the Medium Publication, Level Up Coding, https://levelup.gitconnected.com.
- I have a few personal blogs at https://erturk.me, https://mn.erturk.me, and https://sg.erturk.me.
Be a good person but don’t try to prove it.
If you'd like to contact me, feel free to email me or reach out via LinkedIn.