Laravel 5.6 example with Multiple VueJs apps ( Front-end (Web) and Back-end (Admin) ) + JWT Auth + Framework7
- Run in your terminal:
$ git clone IMVueJsApp
Set your database information in your .env file (use the .env.example as an example);
Run in your IMVueJsApp folder:
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm install --save-dev vue-axios vue-loader vue-router vue-template-compiler
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan jwt:secret
$ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
$ npm run watch
$ php artisan serve
- Added authentication support
- Improve authentication support
- Add Framework7
- Clean code
- Add Crud generator for .vue files
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If you discover a security vulnerability within IMVueJsApp, please send an e-mail to Mokhlas Hussein at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The GPL v3 License (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3). Please see License File for more information.