User configuration files and some cool scripts are stored here. Respectively, some $HOME/.*/** , and $HOME/data/bin .
Installed software be it from distro package manager or others.
System configuration files are kept here.
A bash script with functions to help save, create links and install the configuration.
Creates symbolic links in $HOME with the same structure as what is inside the dotfiles dir. For example, $HOME/.config/awesome/rc.lua -> $HOME/configuration/dotfiles/.config/awesome/rc.lua. I choose this structure cause this way I avoid adding/ignoring lots of files and slowing down my $HOME because of zsh git plugins and prompt. This way it is almost impossible to add private files since I must move them explicitly to $HOME/configuration/, the git repository.
Saves all the system files to the system folder and info about installed software to the respective files in packages.
Not tested since I don't use it, I normally restore my home from the borg backup. But should create an user if needed, get private stuff from a backup, clone the repo, set up the links, install the apps, load nvim pluggins and compile what is needed, install fonts, etc. I'll test it eventually.
Installs some beautiful fonts
I use two layouts, Option "XkbLayout" "gb,pt". I only use pt for chatting, everything else I do with gb. Meaning, all shortcuts are configured with gb in mind. Coding and using vim with an english layout is much better :)
I use solarized everywhere, consistency :). Numix and Faenza-Darkest. PCManFM.
urxvt, zsh with zplug.
I use neovim, dotfiles/.vimrc is outdated and I no longer use "normal" vim. vim and vimdiff are aliased to nvim and nvim -d. - My configuration is pretty simple I don't like to have too many things in the way.
- Cheeky for easy application jump, shortcut: modkey /
- Added support for loading programs on boot from $HOME/.autostart with custom rules.
- Move the tags creation up and created a table with mapping inverted, tag["name"]->index for easy reference in the programs table.
- Created a table of programs with custom rules and shortcuts for easy configuration.
- Run or raise to jump to program with shortcut if it is already running.
- I changed some other shortcuts but I no longer remember which ones exactly.
- Modkey tab, switches between current and last window.
- Alt tab, cycles the windows forward on a tag
- Alt Shift tab, same but the other way
- Modkey \, switches between current and last tag
- Modkey f, to set window to maximize.
- Modkey shift f, to set window to full screen. - to hold credentials for websites, etc. - to hold all keys including git keys
I am using mbr-bios because of the samsung_laptop bugs in efi. The two first partitions are for windows and the other one for linux. For EFI add the ESP partition and change the partitioning scheme.
I changed the default user-dirs environment variables because I keep all important files like projects, pictures, and so on on a separate partition. Namely the data partition. I do this so I can mount it easily on windows, other distros, etc without carrying distro specific configurations, temp files, etc.