This project uses a subset of IMDB listed movies and actors from Hallmark original movies, romantic comedies, mysteries, and dramas. Backend HTML/CSS rendering comes via Flask/Jinja2, with a Sqlite database.
This repo is a Flask version of a CLI program (lacey-bacon) and uses data generated from it, and includes a Docker container. All websites and images shown here belong to the original copyright holders and are used for academic and demonstration purposes only. Source and derived data is publicly available and courtesy of IMDB.
(NOTE: Requires python version 3 and pip. The series of commands below will download the app, create a virtual environment, install python, pip, and the app's prerequisites in that virtual environment, and run the app using recently compiled data.
cd python-flask
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
in a web browser tab, go to http://localhost:5000/
If using VSC, a DOS command prompt terminal is highly recommended, NOT PowerShell.
Perform same steps as above, except replace the "source env/bin/activate" command in step 4 with
env\Scripts\activate (or activate.bat)
docker build -t python-flask .
- To get everything back to normal and remove files, type deactivate, then remove the python-flask directory. Your system will be back to normal, as before the test.