Shows how to use Gtkmm controls (c++17).
"Hello World" The classic first application HelloWorld with Gtk::Label.
Application Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm application with Gtk::Application.
Button Shows how to create a Gtkmm Button and Event Click with Gtl::Button.
CheckBox Shows how to create a Gtkmm CheckBox with Gtk::CheckButton.
ComboBox Shows how to create a Gtkmm ComboBox with Gtk::ComboBoxText.
Label Shows how to create a Gtkmm Label with Gtk::Label.
ProgressBar Shows how to create a Gtkmm ProgressBar with Gtk::ProgressBar.
RadioButton Shows how to create a Gtkmm RadioButton with Gtk::RadioButton.
TextBox Shows how to create a Gtkmm TextBox with Gtk::Entry.
TrackBar Shows how to create a Gtkmm TrackBar with Gtk::Scale.
Form Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm Form with Gtk::Window.
GroupBox Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm GroupBox with Gtk::Frame.
Panel Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm Panel with Gtk::Frame.
TabControl Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm TabControl with TabPages with Gtk::Frame and Gtk::Notebook.
MainMenu Shows how to create a Gtkmm MainMenu with Gtk::MenuBar, Gtk::Menu and Gtk::MenuItem.
Timer Shows how to create a simple Gtkmm Timer with TimerGtk.
ColorDialog Shows how to create a ColorDialog with Gtk::ColorChooserDialog.
FolderBrowserDialog Shows how to create a FolderBrowserDialog with Gtk::FileChooserDialog.
FontDialog Shows how to create a FontDialog with Gtk::FontChooserDialog.
OpenFileDialog Shows how to create an OpenFileDialog with Gtk::FileChooserDialog.
MessageBox Shows how to create a MessageBox with Gtk::MessageDialog.
SaveFileDialog Shows how to create an SaveFileDialog with Gtk::FileChooserDialog.
git clone GtkmmExamples
To build this project, open "Terminal" and type following lines:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Xcode"
open ./CocoaExamples.xcodeproj
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Debug