Yandex-tank prepare phout file with statistics after load testing. tanktools module helps to parse such files and convert to DataFrame. You can use pandas module in manual mode to handle DataFrame or use build-in functions.
Generate Yandex-tank ammo from pcap or har files using pcap2ammo or har2ammo scrips. HTTP requests are extracted completely with headers and body.
So you can:
- calc quantiles
- get information about timings, latency, status codes
- extract requests by timestamp, tag and other columns
- group and analyze specific data like total/partial RPS, average request/response size
- calc statistical metrics
- convert pcap file to ammo
- convert har file to ammo
- filter out and modify requests on ammo generating
pip install tanktools
It is possible to parse a part of staistics by time and overal count
from tanktools import phout
flags = {
'from_date': '2018-01-18 20:09:50.123',
'to_date' : '2018-01-18 20:10:00.456',
'limit': 100
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log', flags)
print("Total count: %d" % phout.size(data))
Total count: 100
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log')
phout.print_quantiles(data, 'receive_time')
Percentiles for 150030 requests from 2018-01-18 20:09:42.983 to 2018-01-18 20:10:55.108: quantile (%) receive_time (mks) 10.0 9 20.0 9 30.0 10 40.0 10 50.0 10 60.0 10 70.0 11 80.0 12 90.0 13 95.0 14 98.0 16 99.0 17 100.0 716
Pay attention, timings are calculated in microseconds.
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log')
# Convert and print timing in milliseconds
print("\n\nLatency median: %d ms" % int(data.latency.median() / 1000))
Latency median: 30 ms
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log')
rps = phout.get_rps(data)
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log')
HTTP code count percent (%) 500 83429 56.38 200 61558 41.60 502 2944 1.99 0 41 0.03
data = phout.parse_phout('phout.log')
selected_http_responses = data[data.proto_code == 200]
print("Latency median for 200 OK: %d" %
Latency median for 200 OK: 3539
print("Avg. Request / Response: %d / %d bytes" % (
Avg. Request / Response: 364 / 26697 bytes
Pay attention it is required to convert data to float for correct work of mean
print("RPS at request:")
chunk_size = int(phout.size(data) / 2)
for start in range(0, phout.size(data), chunk_size):
data_subset = phout.subset(data, start, chunk_size)
print("\t%s: %.2f" %
(start + chunk_size, phout.get_rps(data_subset)))
RPS at request: 73986: 2062.50 147972: 2530.56
pcap2ammo file.pcap
73 GET HTTP/1.1\r\n Host:\r\n Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n
pcap2ammo -S file.pcap
total: 1
complete: 1
incorrect: 0
incomplete: 0
pcap2ammo -o out.ammo file.pcap
Applyed for all requests, containing specified headers
pcap2ammo --add-header 'Referer:' --add-header 'X-Ip:' file.pcap
pcap2ammo --delete-header 'Content-Length' file.pcap
pcap2ammo --delete-header 'Connection' --add-header 'Connection: keep-alive' file.pcap
pcap2ammo -f 'ip.src== and tcp.dport==8080' file.pcap
pcap2ammo -F '"" in http.uri' file.pcap
You can use logical expressions in filters
pcap2ammo -F '"keep-alive" in http.headers["connection"] or "Keep-alive" in http.headers["connection"]' file.pcap
String functions over HTTP headers
pcap2ammo -F '"keep-alive" in http.headers["connection"].lower()' file.pcap
Use excluding filters also
pcap2ammo -F '"" != http.headers["host"]' file.pcap
har2ammo file.har
73 GET HTTP/1.1\r\n Host:\r\n Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n
har2ammo -S file.har
total: 1
complete: 1
incorrect: 0
incomplete: 0
har2ammo -o out.ammo file.har
Applyed for all requests, containing specified headers
har2ammo --add-header 'Referer:' --add-header 'X-Ip:' file.har
har2ammo --delete-header 'Content-Length' file.har
har2ammo --delete-header 'Connection' --add-header 'Connection: keep-alive' file.har
har2ammo -F '"" in http.uri' file.har
You can use logical expressions and python functions in filters
har2ammo -F '"keep-alive" in http.headers["connection"] or "Keep-alive" in http.headers["connection"]' file.har
har2ammo -F '"keep-alive" not in http.headers["connection"].lower()' file.har
Please, see more information about filters in pcaper package description.