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Forus SDK provides a simple UI with multiple instructions to capture a perfect KYC compliant photograph.

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Forus SDK is a touch-free, face image capture solution for a perfect KYC compliant photograph.

Key features are,

  • Face and liveness detection
  • Anti-Spoof detection
  • Watermarking photo
  • Face image crop, compress, quality enhancements like blur and shake detection

You can find the latest changelog at Changelog. Documentation for older versions (3.X.X) can be found here.

‼ ATTENTION ‼ → BREAKING CHANGE introduced at Forus SDK v4.2.1. We have introduced a new license format. If you are using versions prior to v4.2.1 and intend to update to v4.2.1 or above, contact [email protected] for an updated license.

Table Of Content


You will need a valid license to use the Forus SDK, which can be obtained by contacting [email protected] .

Depending on the license - offline or online - you have opted for, the ping functionality to billing servers will be disabled or enabled. For instance, if you have opted for the offline SDK model, then there will be no server ping needed to our billing server to bill you. However, if you have chosen a transaction based pricing, then after each transaction, a ping request will be made to our billing server. This cannot be overrided by the App. A point to note is that if the ping transaction fails for any reason, the whole transaction will be void without any results from the SDK.

Once you have the license , follow the below instructions for a successful integration of Forus SDK onto your Android Application.

Overview of Forus SDK Libraries

This section lists the Forus SDK Libraries that are available for Android with their gradle dependencies, latest version and their size.

SDK Library Gradle dependency Latest version Size
Forus SDK (Required) version 350 KB
Core Face Bundled SDK (Required) version 6.2 MB
Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK (Optional) version 4.5 MB
Forus Core Face Mask SDK (Optional) version 3.1 MB

Forus SDK

This is the core SDK that provides a no-contact photo capture solution with face and liveness detection among other features. Its extremely customisable and gives you the captured face image as the result.

Steps to add and initialise the Forus SDK,

Face Dependencies

Forus uses Face detection capabilities via either of these two dependencies, and it is required to include any one of them. Core Face Bundled SDK and Core Face Unbundled SDK. If size is not an issue, we recommend going with the Core Face Bundled SDK. More details about these dependencies are found below.

Core Face Bundled SDK

Include this dependency if size of the SDK is not an issue (Adds ~6.2 MB to the app size). This is the recommended approach.

Core Face Unbundled SDK

Include this dependency if increase in SDK size is a concern (Adds ~600 KB to the app size). However, upon first run (and only on first run), the face dependencies are downloaded while users are shown a screen with a progress bar. The Core Face Bundled SDK does not have this behaviour as all associated files are bundled during compile time itself (hence the increase in size).

Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK

This is a feature SDK that provides antispoof detection capabilities on top of Forus SDK. The antispoof result is a confidence percentage which denotes whether the face image is a fake or not.

Steps to add and initialise the Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK,

Forus Core Face Mask SDK

Requires Minimum SDK Version 21 and above.

This feature SDK provides face mask detection capabilities on top of Forus SDK. The face mask result is a boolean value where true means it detects face mask.

Steps to add and initialise the Core Face Mask SDK,

Forus SDK Libraries Landscape

Here are block diagrams visualising how the Forus SDK would be built depending on the dependencies you choose and enable,

Set Up Forus SDK


Make sure that your project meets these requirements:

  • Uses API Level 19 or above as Minimum SDK Version
  • Uses Gradle 4.1 or later
  • Uses Jetpack (AndroidX), which includes meeting these version requirements: v3.2.1 or later

Download Forus SDK

Add the following code to your project level build.gradle file

allprojects { 
    repositories {
        //'forus-android' and  'common-core-android' is required for forus and core face SDKs.
        // 'torus-android' is required for forus billing dependencies
        ['torus-android' , 'forus-android' , 'common-core-android'].each { value->
            maven {
                url "${value}/"
                credentials {
                    username '<YOUR_USERNAME>' 
                    password '<YOUR_PASSOWRD>' 

Importing Forus SDK

Add the following code to your app-level build.gradle file

android {

    // ...

    defaultConfig {

        // ...

        ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86", "x86_64"

        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary true

        renderscriptTargetApi 21
        renderscriptSupportModeEnabled false


    compileOptions {
        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

    // ...


And then, add the dependencies

// ...

dependencies {
     * Android Dependencies used by Forus SDK
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:<latest verison>'
    implementation '<latest verison>' 
    implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:<latest verison>'

     * Forus SDK Core Dependency
    implementation '<latest verison>'

    // REQUIRED : Use ANY ONE of the below core-face modules, i.e either core-face-bundled OR core-face-unbundled
    // Recommended over core-face-unbundled
    implementation ''

    // Uncomment the below line and remove core-face-bundled mentioned above to use core-face-unbundled dependency.
    //implementation ''

     * Forus Billing Dependency (Include only if transaction based billing is enabled)

Importing Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK

  • Add the dependency for the Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK to your app's module (app-level) build.gradle file:
implementation '' // Forus Proteus Antispoof, For more information refer documentation
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:2.16.1'

Importing Core Face Mask SDK

  • Add the dependency for the Core Face Mask SDK to your app's module (app-level) build.gradle file:
implementation '' // Forus Core Face Mask, For more information refer documentation
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-vision:0.4.0' 
// If using org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite then use tensorflow-lite-vision dependency like this
//  implementation ('org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-vision:0.4.0') {
//        exclude group: 'org.tensorflow', module: 'tensorflow-lite-api'
//    }

Quick Start

Initialise and run the Forus SDK

Initialize an instance of Forus with the appropriate parameters, and call start() to invoke the Forus SDK. Refer Forus SDK API for more information regarding the individual APIs.

Given below is the fully configured Forus SDK invokation.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity{

    // ...

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Button callSdk = findViewById(;
        callSdk.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                /* Invoke the Forus Sdk */

    public void callForusSdk() {

         * ForusFaceConfig lets you customise settings related to Face Image capture and processing.
         * Set this instance when building ForusConfig (See Below)
        ForusFaceConfig forusFaceConfig = new ForusFaceConfig.Builder()
                .enableFaceEngine(ForusFaceEngine.createDefaultEngine(true,1,false)) // Sets the face detection engine, refer Forus SDK API documentation
                .setWatermarkOnFace(Color.RED, 14.0f, "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "String 1", "String 2", "String 3"); // Sets the watermark on the output image
                .setFaceCaptureTimeLimit(8) // Sets the time limit for face image capture
                .build(); // Builds ForusFaceConfig Instance

         * ForusCameraConfig lets you customise settings related to the phone camera and image quality.
         * Set this instance when building ForusConfig (See Below)
        ForusCameraConfig forusCameraConfig = new ForusCameraConfig.Builder()
                .setCamera(Utility.CAMERA_FRONT) // Sets the camera type
                .setAutoAdjustExposure(true) // Enable/Disable Auto Exposure adjust functionality
                .setImageQuality(Utility.LOW) // Sets the image quality enhancement level
                .build(); // Builds ForusCameraConfig Instance

         * ForusConfig is the core configuration instance that will be sent as input to the Forus SDK.
        ForusConfig forusConfig = new ForusConfig.Builder()
                .setLicenceKey(LICENSE_KEY) // Sets the license Key (REQUIRED)
                .setShowInstructions(false) // Enable/Disable the Instruction screen
                .setForusCameraConfig(forusCameraConfig) // Sets the ForusCameraConfig Instance
                .setForusFaceConfig(forusFaceConfig) // Sets the ForusFaceConfig Instance
                .build(); // Builds ForusConfig Instance

         * Forus is the entry point to Forus SDK. Initialise it with the Config instances declared above, and invoke start() to capture face images.
        Forus forus = new Forus(forusConfig); 
        forus.start(this, new ForusResultCallback() { //Start the Forus SDK. Pass the callback interface to receive the results.

            public void onSuccess(ForusResult forusResult) {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, forusResult.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            public void onFailure(int code, String message) {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, String.format("%s %s",code,message), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


    // ...


Enabling Forus Proteus Antispoof SDK

  • To enable the antispoof functionality in the app, make sure you add enableAntiSpoofEngine() when constructing ForusFaceConfig object.
  // ...

  ForusFaceConfig.Builder forusFaceConfigBuilder = new ForusFaceConfig.Builder()
                /* Calling enableAntiSpoofEngine() will enable antispoof detection if you have imported the dependency.

  // ...

Enabling Forus Core Face Mask SDK

  • To enable the antispoof functionality in the app, make sure you add enableFaceMaskDetection() when constructing ForusFaceConfig object.
  // ...

  ForusFaceConfig.Builder forusFaceConfigBuilder = new ForusFaceConfig.Builder()
                /* Calling enableFaceMaskDetection() will enable face mask detection if you have imported the dependency.

  // ...

For all errorCode's and their meanings refer Forus Error Codes.

Forus Result

You can use the following methods in the ForusResult instance to parse the success result:

Return Type Method Usage
String getFaceImagePath() Returns JPEG File Path of face image
boolean isEyeBlinkDetectionSupported() Returns whether Eye Blink Detection is enabled/supported
boolean isEyeBlinkDetected() Returns if Eye Blink is detected or not
boolean isSmileDetectionSupported() Returns whether Smile Detection is enabled/supported
boolean isSmileDetected() Returns if Smile is detected or not
boolean isLivelinessConfidenceSupported() Returns whether Antispoof Detection is enabled/supported
float getLivelinessConfidence() Returns the Antispoof Confidence Percentage , Range - 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%)

Forus Error Codes

Following error codes will be returned on the onError method of the callback

301 Invalid settings
302 Invalid licence
303 Licence expired
305 Camera not available
306 User canceled
307 No face detected
308 Unable to ping
309 Transaction limit exceeded
310 No internet connection
311 Required permission denied
313 Missing dependency of ProteusAntiSpoof Module
314 File I/O Error
315 Error downloading unbundled core face module dependency
316 Missing dependency of core face module
317 Missing dependency of core face mask module


See the below table for the public APIs of Forus SDK,

Method/Constructor Comments
Forus(ForusConfig var1) Instantiates the Forus Object
start(Context activityContext, ForusResultCallback forusResultCallback) Starts the Forus SDK

ForusConfig.Builder() allows to instantiate the ForusConfig object with customisable features. ForusConfig is to be set when instantiating Forus object , See Forus

Method Default Required Comments
setLicenceKey(String licenseKey) NULL Yes Sets the License Key needed for Forus SDK
setShowInstructions(boolean showInstructions) false Optional If it is true then the instruction screen will be shown to the user before showing the face capture screen.
disableBackPress() - Optional Disable back button at face capture screen
setForusCameraConfig(ForusCameraConfig ForusCameraConfig) NULL Yes Refer ForusCameraConfig
setForusFaceConfig(ForusFaceConfig forusFaceConfig) NULL Yes Refer ForusFaceConfig
build() - - Builds ForusConfig Instance

ForusCameraConfig.Builder() allows to instantiate the ForusCameraConfig object. ForusCameraConfig is to be set when instantiating ForusConfig , See ForusConfig

Method Default Required Comments
setCamera(int cameraFacing) Utility.CAMERA_FRONT Yes Utility.CAMERA_FRONT
setAutoAdjustExposure(boolean autoAdjustExposure) true Optional If it is false then the SDK will not adjust the camera exposure level. Which will cause poor image quality or face will not be detected in poor lighting conditions.
setImageQuality(int imageQualityThreshold) 1 Optional Utility.LOW
build() - - Builds ForusCameraConfig Instance

ForusFaceConfig.Builder() allows to instantiate the ForusFaceConfig object. ForusFaceConfig is to be set when instantiating ForusConfig , See ForusConfig

Method Default Required Comments
enableFaceEngine(ForusFaceEngine forusFaceEngine) Default Face Engine Yes Refer ForusFaceEngine
setWatermarkOnFace(int watermarkColor, float watermarkSize, String timestampFormat, String watermarkField3, String watermarkField4, String watermarkField5) - Optional Sets the watermark on the output image. Custom watermark fields accepts max 20 characters
setFaceCaptureTimeLimit(int timeLimitInSec) 8 Optional Integer value between 8 to 60 seconds.
disableFaceAlignmentCheck() - Optional Disable face alignment restriction.
build() - - Builds ForusFaceConfig Instance

Note : The watermark size and position on the image depends on the overall size of the final image which depends on the distance between the user's face and the camera and the screen size at the time of image capture. You can change the font size, colour and which if the watermark fields should appear from the SDK. You can also add your own logic of font sizes for different mobile screen sizes.


ForusFaceEngine is to be set when instantiating the ForusFaceConfig , See ForusFaceConfig

  • Default Face Engine. Use
ForusFaceEngine.createDefaultEngine(boolean eyeBlinkDetection, int eyeBlinkMessage, boolean smileDetection)


Forus SDK uses the following permissions, they will be automatically merged into the app manifest.



For any queries/feedback , contact us at [email protected]


Forus SDK provides a simple UI with multiple instructions to capture a perfect KYC compliant photograph.






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