Made with Foundation, Middleman &
This project also generates PDF course documents.
$ bundle install // ruby gems
$ yarn // javascript modules
Start the server:
$ bundle exec middleman server
To install WeasyPrint, you need Python & virtualenvs
$ virtualenv .venv
$ source .env
$ pip install weasyprint
Generate a course:
$ bin/courses generate COURSE_NAME [BASE_URL]
This generates a PDF at the root directory of Courses. Filename is based on the course name.
Before generating a course PDF, you can have a preview of the document in a web browser.
Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:4567/programs/COURSE_NAME.html
. That's it!
Trigger Netlify build
$ pit push
Courses is released under two licenses:
- GNU/GPL for sources
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License for content