🐕🦺 My projects:
- Bank API 🏦 - Design reference project suitable to bootstrap development for a compliant and modern API.
- Streaming logs to a Kusto Cluster 🤽🏻♂️ - Design and IaC setup for streaming various logs to a Kusto Cluster.
- Synology NAS Bootstrapper ✴ - Bootstrap your Synology NAS setup with automatic provisioning.
- NixOS VSCode Speedrun 🏁 - Get up to speed with NixOS on WSL2 with the VSCode Nix IDE.
- Motorola Debloat List 🌱 - Just a small list of apps you might want to remove from a Motorola phone.
- Bicep# - Functional framework designed to streamline the use of Azure Bicep.
- Reference architecture for secure cross-tenant API traffic - Architecture for secure cross-tenant API traffic.
- Graph Lite - Simplifies the Microsoft Graph API.
- Circuit Choreography - Messaging pattern that defines a choreographic message flow that maintains a closed circuit at all times.
- Running a container securely in Azure - Considerations for choosing an Azure container service.
- Azure Functions Flex Consumption - Migration Guide - How to migrate to Azure Functions Flex Consumption plan hosting.
- Traffic filtering with Azure attribute-based access control (Azure ABAC) - How traffic filtering can be solved with Azure ABAC.
🍽️ Forked projects with additions:
- flatcar-terraform - Added DNS server setup via docker compose.
- nixos-on-azure - Added DNS server setup via Arion.
- request-baskets - Added Bicep deployment template.
🎴 My badges: