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In this repository a collection of basic OpenMP examples is presented, created for a study project at WWU Münster. If you like it, I would be happy about a star.

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OpenMP Examples

This repository hold the programming code of a study project on parallel programming on CPUs with OpenMP. To illustrate my text, I tried to give minimal examples on common OpenMP pragmas and accelerate the execution of a matrix-matrix-multiplication. Because I did not find an extensive repository about this, I wanted to share my findings here.

Table of Contents

Structure of the repository
Minimal Examples
How to execute it

Structure of the repository

The repository is structured as follows:
  • main.cpp combines all experiments
  • min_examples.cpp/.h holds the code for the minimal examples on common pragmas
  • matmult_functions.h combines the signatures of all functions to succeedingly accelerate execution of matrix-matrix-multiplication
  • matmult_sequential.cpp multiplies two matrices sequentially with increasingly memory efficient algorithms
  • matmult_parallel.cpp uses different OpenMP pragmas to multiply the matrices in parallel
  • matmult_measuring.cpp/.h is called by the main-function and itself calls the multiplication functions. It takes care of time measuring and a structured output of the experiments
  • matrix_helpers.cpp/.h is a collection of helper functions to measure the time of the multiplication, initialise or reset matrices and check the correctness of the matrix product
The minimal examples include the following pragmas, options and functions:
  • parallel
  • num_threads(x)
  • single
  • master
  • nowait
  • barrier
  • for
  • private(x) firstprivate(y) shared(s)
  • collapse(x)
  • reduction(max:m)
  • schedule(static), schedule(dynamic), schedule(guided), schedule(auto)
  • sections, section
  • task, taskwait
  • atomic
  • omp_set_nested(x)
  • omp_get_num_procs()
  • omp_get_max_threads()
  • omp_get_thread_num()
  • omp_get_num_teams()
  • omp_get_team_num()
  • omp_get_team_size(omp_get_level())
  • omp_set_num_threads(x)
The actual multiplication algorithms are in `matmult_sequential.cpp` and `matmult_parallel.cpp`. The matrices are built as one long array rather than using a two dimeansional array as the size can be defined more variably in C++. The matrix-data is concatenated rowwise. Thus access of each cell needs to be calculated: instead of `[row][column]` it is given as `[(row * martix-width) + column]`.


  • mult_seq: describes the naive version of muliplying two matrices with three loops going thourgh the rows of input matrix A, the columns of input matrix B and the cells within these.
  • mult_seq_speed: switching the order of the loops is more memory effective, and speeds up the execution already. This algorithm is still sequenial.
  • mult_seq_speed_cache: uses the naive loop order but stores the procuct of the cells in an intermediate variable. This uses the cache more efficient and again results in a speedup compared to both other sequential varaints.

In matmult_parallel.cpp OpenMP is used to accelerate the multiplication with different pragmas. The Speed ups are compared to mult_seq_speed_cache and run on 4 cores.

  • mult_basic: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for. Speed up: 3.12 mult_basic_threads_size: is used to compare the execution time of he basic algorithm along increasingly many threads
  • mult_3for: does not execute correctly; it uses parallel for for each loop
  • mult_basic_private: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for private(row, i, col). Speed up: 2.46
  • mult_basic_private_shared: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for private(row, i, col) shared(a, b, result). Speed up: 3.13
  • mult_basic_private_private: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with private(row, i, col) firstprivate (a, b) shared (result). Speed up: 3.11
  • mult_basic_private_switchedloops: uses the algorithm of mult_seq with parallel for private(row, i, col). Speed up: 2.46
  • mult_collapse3: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for collapse(3). Speed up: 2.88
  • mult_collapse2: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for collapse(2). Speed up: 3.12
  • mult_collapse2_private: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed with parallel for collapse(2) private(row, col, i). Speed up: 3.10
  • mult_collapse2_private_cache: uses the algorithm of mult_seq_speed_cache with parallel for collapse(2) private(row, col, i). Speed up: 3.67 mult_collapse2_private_cache_threads_size: is used to compare the execution time of he basic algorithm along increasingly many threads


In this repository a collection of basic OpenMP examples is presented, created for a study project at WWU Münster. If you like it, I would be happy about a star.







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