Within the everchanging world of securing our technology, I am currently a Lead Senior Security and Cloud Architecture Engineer that is extremely motivated when it comes to working on cutting-edge security projects and full-stack security engineering. Within my profession, I continuously am taking the leap learning new skills relevant to modern tech deployments and am heavily involved in managing Kubernetes and cloud native (CNCF) approaches from bare metal. As a result of this passion, my current key focal points in my career lean towards automated infrastructure deployments, secure devops, full-stack monitoring, and agile security. In my free time, you'll be sure to find me in the mountains or working on building out my multi-regional homelab.
- I’m currently working on dynamic hyrbrid cloud architecture with mult-site Kubernetes and full public/private PKI
- Fully integrated Azure Hybrid AD + MDM Services + Cloudflare Teams + Full OIDC for strict and secure IAM Access to all resources
- Automated SIEM Stack utlizing ECK (Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes)
- Grafana + Loki + Mimir + Tempo OSS automation and observability
- Keybase @egallis
- 📫 How to reach me: @egallis31