This repository contains an implementation of the Hub-of-All-Things HAT Microserver project.
The current project version is here.
The Hub-of-All-Things is a HAT Microserver for individuals to own, control and share their data.
A Personal Microserver (“the HAT”) is a personal single tenant (“the individual self”) technology system that is fully individual self-service, to enable an individual to define a full set of “meta-data” defined as a specific set of personal data, personal preferences and personal behaviour events.
The HAT enables individuals to share the correct information (quality and quantity), with the correct people, in the correct situations for the correct purposes and to gain the benefits.
The HAT microserver is the technology base of the Persona Data Server.
This HAT Microserver implementation is written in Scala (2.12.11) uses the following technology stack:
- PostgreSQL relational database (version 9.5 and above)
- Play Framework (version 2.6)
- Akka (version 2.5)
- Slick as the database access layer (version 3.2)
HAT runs as a combination of a backing PostgreSQL database (with a public schema for flattened data storage) and a software stack that provides logic to work with the schema using HTTP APIs.
To run it from source in a development environment two sets of tools are required:
- PostgreSQL database and utilities
- Scala Build Tool (SBT)
> git clone
> cd HAT2.0
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
There are 2 ways of doing this.
> createdb testhatdb1
> createuser testhatdb1
> psql postgres -c "GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE testhatdb1 TO testhatdb1"
A docker-compose.yml file has been included in this project to boot up a dockerized postgresql instance.
If you do use this method, you need to create a .env
file. The included .env.example
will work as is.
If you make a change, do make the corresponding change to ./hat/conf/dev.conf
> make docker-db
You can stop the database with
> make docker-db-stop
> make run-dev
Go to
You're all set!
Your best source of information on how the development environment could be customised is the hat/conf/dev.conf
configuration file. Make sure you run the project locally with the configuration enabled (using the steps above)
or it will just show you the message that the HAT could not be found.
Among other things, the configuration includes:
- host names alongside port numbers of the test HATs (
- access credentials used to log in as the owner or restricted platform user into the HAT (the default password is a very unsafe testing)
- database connection details (important if you want to change your database setup above)
- private and public keys used for token signing and verification
Specifically, it has 4 major sections:
- Enables the development environment self-initialisation module:
play.modules { enabled += "org.hatdex.hat.modules.DevHatInitializationModule" }
- Sets the list of database evolutions to be executed on initialisation:
devhatMigrations = [ "evolutions/hat-database-schema/11_hat.sql", "evolutions/hat-database-schema/12_hatEvolutions.sql", "evolutions/hat-database-schema/13_liveEvolutions.sql", "evolutions/hat-database-schema/14_newHat.sql"]
list sets out the list of HATs that are served by the current server, for each including owner details to be initialised with and database access credentials. Each specified database must exist before launching the server but are initialised with the right schema at start timehat
section lists all corresponding HAT configurations to serve, here you could change the HAT domain name, owner's email address or public/private keypair used by the HAT for its token operations
The HAT solution is easy deployable on top of Kubernetes via Helm 3 chart.
- API documentation can be found at the developers' portal
- HAT Database Schema has been split up into a separate project for easier reuse across different environments.
HAT including HAT Schema and API is licensed under AGPL - GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE