SteamQueryNet is a C# wrapper for Steam Server Queries UDP protocol. It is;
- Light
- Dependency free
- Written in .net standard 2.0 so that it works with both .NET framework 4.6+ and core.
Check out SteamQueryNet on nuget.
SteamQueryNet comes with a single object that gives you access to all API's of the Steam protocol which are;
- Server information (server name, capacity etc).
- Concurrent players.
- Server rules (friendlyfire, roundttime etc). Warning: currently does not work due to a protocol issue on steam server query API. Use could make use of ServerInfo.tags if the server admins are kind enough to put rules as tags in the field.
To make use of the API's listed above, an instance of ServerQuery
should be created.
string serverIp = "";
int serverPort = 27015;
IServerQuery serverQuery = new ServerQuery(serverIp, serverPort);
or you can use string resolvers like below:
string myHostAndPort = "";
// or
myHostAndPort = ",27015";
// or
myHostAndPort = "localhost:27015";
// or
myHostAndPort = "localhost,27015";
// or
myHostAndPort = "steam://connect/";
// or
myHostAndPort = "steam://connect/localhost:27015";
IServerQuery serverQuery = new ServerQuery(myHostAndPort);
Also, it is possible to create ServerQuery
object without connecting like below:
IServerQuery serverQuery = new ServerQuery();
serverQuery.Connect(host, port);
Note: Connect
function overloads are similar to ServerQuery
non-empty constructors.
You can provide custom UDP clients by implementing IUdpClient
in SteamQueryNet.Interfaces
See the example below:
public class MyAmazingUdpClient : IUdpClient
public bool IsConnected { get; }
public void Close()
// client implementation
public void Connect(IPEndPoint remoteIpEndpoint)
// client implementation
public void Dispose()
// client implementation
public Task<UdpReceiveResult> ReceiveAsync()
// client implementation
public Task<int> SendAsync(byte[] datagram, int bytes)
// client implementation
// Usage
IPEndpoint remoteIpEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteServerIp), remoteServerPort);
IUdpClient myUdpClient = new MyAmazingUdpClient();
IServerQuery serverQuery = new ServerQuery(myUdpClient, remoteIpEndpoint);
once its created functions below returns informations desired,
ServerInfo serverInfo = serverQuery.GetServerInfo();
List<Player> players = serverQuery.GetPlayers();
List<Rule> rules = serverQuery.GetRules();
While it is not encouraged, you can chain Connect
function or Non-empty Constructors to get information in a single line.
ServerInfo serverInfo = new ServerQuery()
.Connect(host, port)
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