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An REFramework plugin that adds Direct2D scripting APIs


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REFramework Direct 2D

This is an REFramework plugin that adds a Direct2D scripting API.


Currently suggest building in RelWithDebInfo so that when issues arise you can debug and fix them.

git clone
cd reframework-d2d
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --config RelWithDebInfo


local font = nil
local image = nil

    font ="Tahoma", 50)
    image ="test.png") -- Loads <gamedir>/reframework/images/test.png
    d2d.text(font, "Hello World!", 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    d2d.text(font, "你好世界!", 0, 50, 0xFFFF0000) -- chinese
    d2d.text(font, "こんにちは世界!", 0, 100, 0xFF00FF00) -- japanese
    d2d.text(font, "안녕하세요, 세계입니다!", 0, 150, 0xFF0000FF) -- korean
    d2d.text(font, "Привет мир!", 0, 200, 0xFFFF00FF) -- russian
    d2d.text(font, "😁💕😒😘🤣😂😊🤔🥴👈👉🤦‍♀️", 0, 250, 0xFFFFFF00) -- emoji

    local str = "This is only a test"
    local w, h = font:measure(str)

    d2d.fill_rect(500, 100, w, h, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    d2d.text(font, str, 500, 100, 0xFF000000)
    d2d.outline_rect(500, 100, w, h, 5, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.quad(100, 100, 500, 100, 500, 500, 400, 500, 5, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.fill_quad(1100, 1100, 1500, 1100, 1500, 1500, 1400, 1500, 0xFF00FFFF)

    local screen_w, screen_h = d2d.surface_size()
    local img_w, img_h = image:size()

    -- Draw image at the bottom right corner of the screen in its default size.
    d2d.image(image, screen_w - img_w, screen_h - img_h) 

    -- Draw image at the bottom left corner of the screen but scaled to 50x50.
    d2d.image(image, 0, screen_h - 50, 50, 50)
    -- x, y, width, height, corner round x, corner round y, thickness, color
    d2d.rounded_rect(400, 500, 80, 40, 5, 15, 5, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- x, y, width, height, corner round x, corner round y, color
    d2d.fill_rounded_rect(400, 500, 80, 40, 5, 15, 0xFF00FFFF)

    -- x, y, radius, color
    d2d.fill_circle(600, 500, 50, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- x, y, radius x, radius y, color
    d2d.fill_oval(700, 500, 50, 80, 0xFF00FFFF)

    -- x, y, radius, thickness, color, 500, 50, 5, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- x, y, radius x, radius y, thickness, color
    d2d.oval(900, 500, 50, 80, 5, 0xFF00FFFF)

    -- x, y, radius, start angle, sweep angle, color
    d2d.pie(1000, 500, 50, 0, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.pie(1100, 500, 50, 60, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- negative start angle equals +360 degree
    d2d.pie(1200, 100, 50, -90, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.pie(1200, 200, 50, 270, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- with clockwise=false
    d2d.pie(1300, 100, 50, -90, 240, 0xFF00FFFF, false)

    -- x, y, outer radius, inner radius, start angle, sweep angle, color
    d2d.ring(1200, 500, 50, 30, 0, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.ring(1300, 500, 50, 30, 60, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- negative start angle equals +360 degree
    d2d.ring(1600, 100, 50, 30, -90, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    d2d.ring(1600, 200, 50, 30, 270, 240, 0xFF00FFFF)
    -- with clockwise=false
    d2d.ring(1700, 100, 50, 30, -90, 240, 0xFF00FFFF, false)


d2d.register(init_fn, draw_fn)

Registers your script with d2d allowing you to create d2d resources and draw using them.


  • init_fn a function that gets called when your script should create d2d resources (such as fonts via d2d.create_font)
  • draw_fn a function that gets called when your script should draw using d2d and the d2d resources you've created in your init_fn

d2d.create_font(name, size, [bold], [italic]) DEPRECATED

This function has been deprecated in favor of

Creates a font resource.


  • name the font family name
  • size the size of the created font
  • bold an optional boolean value to make the font bold
  • italic and optional boolean value to make the font italic


You must call this function from the init_fn passed to d2d.register. That's the only valid place to call it.

d2d.text(font, text, x, y, color)

Draws text on the screen at the position you supply using a font resource you've created.


  • font the font resource you've created in your init_fn via
  • text the text to draw
  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • color the ARGB color of the text

d2d.measure_text(font, text) DEPRECATED

This function has been deprecated in favor of d2d.Font:measure(...)

Returns the width and height of the rendered text


  • font the font resource you've created in your init_fn via
  • text the text to measure

d2d.fill_rect(x, y, w, h, color)

Draws a filled in rectangle


  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • w the width of the rectangle
  • h the height of the rectangle
  • color the ARGB color of the rectangle

d2d.outline_rect(x, y, w, h, thickness, color)

Draws the outline of a rectangle


  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • w the width of the rectangle
  • h the height of the rectangle
  • thickness the thickness of the outline
  • color the ARGB color of the rectangle

d2d.rounded_rect(x, y, w, h, rX, rY, thickness, color)

Draws the outline of a rounded rectangle


  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • w the width of the rectangle
  • h the height of the rectangle
  • rX the corner radius X
  • rY the corner radius Y
  • thickness the thickness of the outline
  • color the ARGB color of the rectangle

d2d.fill_rounded_rect(x, y, w, h, rX, rY, color)

Draws a filled in a rounded rectangle


  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • w the width of the rectangle
  • h the height of the rectangle
  • rX the corner radius X
  • rY the corner radius Y
  • color the ARGB color of the rectangle

d2d.quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, thickness, color)

Draws the outline of a quad


  • x1, y1 the first coordinate
  • x2, y2 the second coordinate
  • x3, y3 the third coordinate
  • x4, y4 the fourth coordinate
  • thickness the thickness of the outline
  • color the ARGB color of the quad

d2d.fill_quad(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, color)

Draws a filled in a quad


  • x1, y1 the first coordinate
  • x2, y2 the second coordinate
  • x3, y3 the third coordinate
  • x4, y4 the fourth coordinate
  • color the ARGB color of the quad

d2d.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness, color)

Draws a line between two points


  • x1 the first horizontal position on the screen
  • y1 the first vertical position on the screen
  • x2 the second horizontal position on the screen
  • y2 the second vertical position on the screen
  • thickness the thickness of the line
  • color the ARGB color of the rectangle, y, r, thickness, color)

Draws the outline of a circle


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • r the radius of the circle
  • thickness the thickness of the outline
  • color the ARGB color of the circle

d2d.fill_circle(x, y, r, color)

Draws a filled in a circle


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • r the radius of the circle
  • color the ARGB color of the circle

d2d.oval(x, y, rX, rY, thickness, color)

Draws the outline of a oval


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • rX the horizontal radius of the oval
  • rY the vertical radius of the oval
  • thickness the thickness of the outline
  • color the ARGB color of the oval

d2d.fill_oval(x, y, rX, rY, color)

Draws a filled in a oval


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • rX the horizontal radius of the oval
  • rY the vertical radius of the oval
  • color the ARGB color of the oval

d2d.pie(x, y, r, startAngle, sweepAngle, color, clockwise)

Draws a filled pie


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • startAngle the pie start angle, range from -360 to 360.
  • sweepAngle the pie sweep angle, range from 0 to 360.
  • color the ARGB color of the pie
  • clockwise by default is true, clockwise. Set false to counter clockwise.

d2d.ring(x, y, outerRadius, innerRadius, startAngle, sweepAngle, color, clockwise)

Draws a filled ring


  • x the horizontal center on the screen
  • y the vertical center on the screen
  • outerRadius the ring outer radius
  • innerRadius the ring inner radius
  • startAngle the pie start angle, range from -360 to 360.
  • sweepAngle the pie sweep angle, range from 0 to 360.
  • color the ARGB color of the pie
  • clockwise by default is true, clockwise. Set false to counter clockwise.

d2d.image(image, x, y, [w], [h])

Draws an image at the specified position, optionally scaled.


  • image the image resource loaded in your init_fn via
  • x the horizontal position on the screen
  • y the vertical position on the screen
  • w the optional width to scale the image by
  • h the optional height to scale the image by


If the w and h parameters are omitted, the image will be drawn at its natural size.


Returns the width and height of the drawable surface. This is essentially the screen or window size of the game.

Type: d2d.Font

Represents a d2d font resource., size, [bold], [italic])

Creates a font resource.


  • name the font family name
  • size the size of the created font
  • bold an optional boolean value to make the font bold
  • italic and optional boolean value to make the font italic


You must call this function from the init_fn passed to d2d.register. That's the only valid place to call it.


Returns the width and height of the rendered text.


  • text the text to measure

Type: d2d.Image

Represents a d2d image resource.

Loads an image resource from <gamedir>\reframework\images\<filepath>.


  • filepath A file path for the image to load


Returns the width and height of the image in pixels.