The sortnight backend, designed to handle requests and add movies to a database.
Refer to Wiki
You need to install leiningen You will also need to install Clojure
Once you have installed both of them you will run the server by doing: (in the terminal of your choice)
lein run
That will start the main function of the project. You can find it in the project.clj file.
You can then test to go to http://localhost:3000 and see that the server is running.
You did it!
movies - This profile will read the movies.clj file and add them all to the database. Make sure and run the db.sql query file before ruinning this profile. To run it type:
lein with-profile movies run
Afterwards you'll have all the movies in the file.
Check the Database To read about how to configure the database for use.
java -jar <project>-<version>-standalone.jar
This will run the server on port 3000.
Copyright © 2015 SortNight
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.