Kubernetes (kubectle)
To start the app follow the below steps:
Step 1:
npm install
skaffold dev
Step 2. Get the name of the nats-depl pod:
kubectle get pods
. It should looke similar tonats-depl-5f86c87ffc-gwjxm
For this demo, we will be using port forwarding to communicate with the Kubernetes ClusterIP.
kubectl port-forward <name-of-nats-depl-pod> 4222:4222
Step 3: Start the Lisener then the Publisher clients each in their own terminal window.
npm run start-listener
npm run start-publisher
You should see the events display in the terminal everytime an event is published.
- To restart the publisher client type
in the window younpm run start-publisher
. This will cause the events to be resent.