Tags: chewiebug/GCViewer
general updates new graphs for tenured and young generation clicking on scrollbar in chart moves exactly one page (issue #28) support for command line only mode (supplied by Peter Bilstein, issue #26) support decimals for zoom factor (supplied by Bernd Eckenfels, issue #39) better recognition of file format (supplied by Andrey Skripalschikov, issue #42) improved performance in chart for large gc logs (supplied by Neil Gentleman, issue #48) add new export format "simple gc log" (gchisto compatible, issue #49) updates for Sun / Oracle parser support for G1 algorithm updated support -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy (print without use, issue #36) support -XX:PrintCMSStatistics=2 (output ignored, issue #33) support -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark in Sun JDK1.5 (issue #41) support -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution for OpenJDK1.6.0_22 (issue #60) updates for JRockit parser better support for JRockit 1.5 (supplied by Rupesh Ramachandran, issue #45) support for JRockit 1.6 (supplied by Rupesh Ramachandran, issue #29) updates for IBM parser support large numbers in J9 log files (supplied by Bernd Eckenfels + Scott Fraser, issue #40)
* updates to the G1 parser * support new output format (`-XX:+PrintGCDetails`) in jdk 1.7u2+ * support `-XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution` (output ignored) * support `-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime` (output ignored) * support `-XX:+PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime` (output ignored) * updates to the CMS parser * support `-XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark` * support `-XX:+PrintPromotionFailure` (output ignored) * support AdaptiveSizePolicy-CMS (`-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC` `-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy`) * improved performance in chart for large gc logs * support B as memory unit * bug in unittests fixed when they were run in a different timezone than GMT+1 * Support for OSX application bundles (supplied by [Johan Kaving](https://github.com/jkaving)) * support `-XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps` (no timestamps) when `-XX:+PrintGCDateStamps` (but datestamps) is used (except for G1) * bug fix: timestamp ruler shows nicer values for long durations (not 3h59m59s but 4h) * bug fix: prevent polygon optimisation from producing artifacts in the end of the chart * support for new timestamp format in IBM JDK 6 (supplied by [Cka3o4Huk](https://github.com/Cka3o4Huk)) * version also shown on DesktopPane
- -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy implemented for java 1.4 / 1.5 as well - NAN with G1 calculating initiatingOccupancyFraction fixed - G1 remark with java 7 contains more information (0.218: [GC remark 0.224: [GC ref-proc, 0.0000049 secs], 0.0059832 secs]) - treat "Mark stack is full" messages as separate event - improved accuracy of young and tenured generation in chart
* "zero"-point of chart starts with first gc event (not always assumed, that "0" seconds is start) * new panel showing details about gc pauses found in the log file * ignore entries made by `-XX:+PrintHeapAtGC` * ignore entries made by `-XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy` * horizontal scrolling in chart with mouse wheel is faster
- better support for G1 algorithm - new chart line showing "initial mark level" (yellow) - new chart lines showing begin (cyan) and end (pink) of concurrent collections - view properties are remembered between sessions - less parser error messages are displayed