// We create the vstring object and append its data with one string.
vstring_t *s =
vstring_with_Capacity("Hello world! and welcome torticolis", 50);
// This is the access method to the data
printf("The string is: %s\n", vstring_Data(s));
// This is the access method to the length of the stored string
printf("its length is: %d\n", vstring_Len(s));
// This is the maximum capacity of storage
printf("its capacity is: %d\n", vstring_Capacity(s));
// now we are asking for a position. In this case the last position
// We can use negative number to access the position character in the
// vstring object data
char p;
if(vstring_At(s, &p, -1) == S_OK)
printf("At -1: %c\n", p);
if (p == 's')
printf("Ok, the last character is 's'...!!!!\n");
// if we want to split the string, the library returns an array of strings
// In len, the library returns the number of strings in array
int len = 0;
array_vstring_t v = vstring_Split(s, &len);
printf("The string contains %d words,,\n", len);
for (size_t index = 0; index < len; index++){
printf("V[%d]: %s\n", index, v[index]->data);
// We have to use this Destructor, in this case
vstring_Destroy_Array(v, len);
// The library knows if two strings are equals or not
vstring_t *u = vstring_with_Capacity("Hello world!", 50);
vstring_t *y = vstring_with_Capacity("Hello world!", 50);
printf("%s and %s are the same? %s\n", vstring_Data(u),
vstring_isEquals(u, y)?"True":"False");
// We insert a string in the vstring object data, at position 6
vstring_From_at(y, "Ana", 6);
printf("%s and %s are the same? %s\n", vstring_Data(u),
vstring_isEquals(u, y)?"True":"False");
vstring_t * pattern = vstring_New(50);
printf("If we look for the pattern 'w*'...");
if (vstring_Pattern(s, "w*", pattern) == S_OK)
printf("we found: %s\n", vstring_Data(pattern));
printf("If we want remove strings with the pattern 'torticolis'...");
if (vstring_Clear_ifPattern(s, "torticolis") == S_OK)
printf("the string is removed ...: %s\n",