SNOMED CT Expression Template Language Implementation with IDE integration(s), user interface using Xtext.
See the official documentation here
- - ETL 1.4.0 (based on ECL 2.2)
- - ETL 1.3.9 (based on ECL 2.1)
- - ETL 1.2.0 (based on ECL 1.5)
- - ETL 1.0.0 (based on ECL 1.4)
SNOMED CT ETL uses Maven for its build system. In order to run the build and create a p2 update site and the maven packages simply run the following command in the cloned directory.
./mvnw clean package
The packages can be found in the com.b2international.snomed.etl.update/target
folder, when the build is complete.
To run the test cases, use the following command:
./mvnw clean verify
Please see for details.
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