ashbb / shoes4
Forked from shoes/shoes4Shoes 4 : the next version of Shoes
ashbb / gsWax
Forked from lljk/gsWaxgreenShoes / gtk2 audio player for folks who miss their vinyl
greenShoes / gtk2 audio player for folks who miss their vinyl
ashbb / fashion-quest
Forked from mcantelon/fashion-questShoes-dependent, YAML-driven interactive fiction framework for fashion adventures
Hackety Hack Lesson Viewer with Green Shoes
ashbb / shoes-contrib
Forked from spiralofhope/shoes-contribShoes examples and samples
Portuguese translation of the green_shoes manual. Tradução em Português do manual do green_shoes.
spiralofhope / shoes-contrib
Forked from shoes/shoes-contribShoes examples and samples
ashbb / hacketyhack
Forked from hacketyhack/hacketyhackthe coder’s starter kit: sound, animation, video, messaging in a low-key ruby environment.
ashbb / bloopsong
Forked from melborne/bloopsongDSL for _why's bloopsaphone
Just a trial to traslate Shoes like app written in Ruby into HTML5 Canvas element written in JavaScript.
ashbb / blue_shoes
Forked from hacketyhack/blue_shoesA port of Shoes to QT.
Green Shoes is one of the colorful Shoes written in pure Ruby.
ashbb / shoes
Forked from shoes/shoes-deprecateda tiny graphical app kit for ruby