This repository is used for visual exploration of target independent variable relationship. For each variable, below visualisations are plotted:
- The histogram of independent variable
- Log odds of target vs independent variable
Independent variables are processed as below:
- Numerical Variables: Create bins. Default 10 bins. For customer number of bins, use parameter numeric_bins
- Categorical Variables: Group low occuring values. Each value occuring <5% is grouped to others. For customer threshold, use parameter categorical_threshold [-h] [--ifile IFILE] [--d D] [--target TARGET] [--invars INVARS] [--numeric_bins NUMERIC_BINS] [--categorical_threshold CATEGORICAL_THRESHOLD] [--output_csv OUTPUT_CSV]
--ifile Input file --d Delimiter. Default: Comma --target Dependent Variable. Default: target --invars File with independent variables --numeric_bins Bins for numerical variables. Defualt: 10 --categorical_threshold Threshold below which categorical values grouped to others. Defualt: 0.05 --output_csv Path for output summary csv. If not given, no csv output saved
python --ifile train.csv --invars vars.txt --target my_target
python --ifile train.csv --invars vars.txt --target my_target -d | --numeric_bins 20 --categorical_threshold 0.01 --output_csv bivariate_summary.csv