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Starred repositories
Miniature RPI Zero 2W shield with Sharp memory Display and USB Beyboard
A P5.js sketch for creating SVG drawings to plot on an AxiDraw MiniKit 2
A Python tool for Dev.to authors to analyze follower composition and quality. Uses the Forem API to categorize followers by activity level, engagement, and profile completeness, helping creators id…
Emits status updates from Mastodon (for a hashtag) to a Kafka topic
ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video)
fgsfdsfgs / perfect_dark
Forked from n64decomp/perfect_darkwork in progress port of n64decomp/perfect_dark to modern platforms
Macintosh and Commodore 64 raw disk images from the archives of the original author of ChipWits, Doug Sharp.
Menubar app to remove link tracking parameters automatically
A curated list of awesome ATProto resources
A list of all known tools available for the Bluesky platform
Turns a captured image into a set of lines that give an impression of the original picture. These lines are generated by boids that go from darkest pixel to darkest adjacent picture, leaving a blac…
Script for working with the AxiDraw v3 pen plotter via the 1milliondrawings.com api
A community driven list of open source alternatives to proprietary software and applications.
A backend server for mystodon that applies the hot ranking algorithm
Import all tweets exported from X/Twitter to a Bluesky account.
A list of Open Source conferences or events to look out for.
Documentation and dumps for https://loops.video API v0
A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
Synology DSM driver for Realtek RTL8152/RTL8153/RTL8156 based adapters
Code, PCBs and CAD for a SCARA-based sand drawing robot
Custom firmware for Tuya devices based on the PHY622x2 chipset
A Relay service to connect to a BambuLab printer in a different subnet