🌟 My GitHub Highlights:
- flutter_soloud👇🏼: Flutter low level audio plugin using SoLoud C++ library and FFI.
- flutter_opencv_dlib👇🏼: Realtime face detection and face recognition using OpenCV and dlib with Dart:ffi.
- flutter_opengl👇🏼: A Flutter OpenGL ES plugin using a Texture() widget.
- magnifying_glass👇🏼: Flutter real-time magnifying glass lens widget with Barrel/Pincushion distortion.
- flutter_star_menu👇🏼: Attach a popup menu to any widget with any widget as menu entries.
- finger_painter👇🏼: Finger paint with different brushes and different blend modes.
- flutter_flow_chart👇🏼: Draw a flow chart diagram with different kinds of customizable elements.
Feel free to explore my repositories, and if you have any questions, suggestions, or collaboration ideas, I'm living on Earth (🇮🇹) and I'm just a message away. Let's code something amazing together! 🚀
Happy coding! 🚀
flutter_opencv_dlib-linux.mp4 |
Realtime face detection and face recognition using OpenCV and dlib with Dart:ffi