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Custom ASP.NET Identity Storage Providers using ADO.NET

Build status

Implemented Database Providers

Database Status Supported Versions ADO.NET Driver NuGet Package
MySql Planned (TBD)
Oracle Beta Only 11g tested Oracle.ManagedDataAccess AspNet.Identity.AdoNet.Oracle
PostgreSQL Planned (TBD)
SQL Server Planned (TBD)

If you would like a database provider implemented that isn't already completed, please submit an issue, or even better, submit a pull request with your changes.

How to use

Note: Currently, only a provider for Oracle has been implemented so these instructions explain the changes necessary for using that package. Although, the steps should be identical for other providers with only the NuGet package and using namespaces differing.

  1. Install the Install-Package AspNet.Identity.AdoNet.Oracle package from NuGet.

    Note: Make sure to include the PreRelease option, as this package hasn't been tested for a full 1.0 release yet.

You can also uninstall the Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework package. And if you're not using Entity Framework at all, you can remove that package as well.

  1. In your App_Start/IdentityConfig.cs file, update the using statements like so:

    using AspNet.Identity.AdoNet; // <== Add this
    // using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework; // <== Comment out/remove this
  2. In your Models/IdentityModels.cs file, update the usings statements like so:

    using AspNet.Identity.AdoNet; // <== Add this
    using AspNet.Identity.AdoNet.Oracle; // <== Add this
    // using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework; // <== Comment out/remove this

    Configure your ApplicationDbContext class to look like this:

    public class ApplicationDbContext : OracleIdentityDbContext
        static readonly string connectionString =
        public ApplicationDbContext() : base(connectionString) { }
        public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
            return new ApplicationDbContext();

Customizing Database Object Names (i.e. Custom Nomenclature)

Don't like the default names used for the database objects, or have an existing database you need to use? No problem!

You can can customize the names of the database objects by providing a custom nomenclature for each table when creating the database context. Here's an example of providing custom table and column names for each table with the Oracle provider:

public class ApplicationDbContext : OracleIdentityDbContext
    static readonly string connectionString =

    // The OracleContextNomenclature will use the default nomenclature
    // if we don't specify a custom nomenclature for any of the tables.
    static readonly OracleContextNomenclature nomenclature = new OracleContextNomenclature
        RolesTableNomenclature =
            new RolesTableNomenclature(tableName: "APP_ROLES",
                                       roleIdColumnName: "ID",
                                       roleNameColumnName: "NAME"),
        UserClaimsTableNomenclature =
            new UserClaimsTableNomenclature(tableName: "APP_USERCLAIMS",
                                            claimIdColumnName: "ID",
                                            userIdColumnName: "USERID",
                                            claimTypeColumnName: "CLAIMTYPE",
                                            claimValueColumnName: "CLAIMVALUE"),
        UserLoginsTableNomenclature =
            new UserLoginsTableNomenclature(tableName: "APP_USERLOGINS",
                                            userIdColumnName: "USERID",
                                            providerNameColumnName: "LOGINPROVIDER",
                                            providerKeyColumnName: "PROVIDERKEY"),
        UserRolesTableNomenclature =
            new UserRolesTableNomenclature(tableName: "APP_USERROLES",
                                           userIdColumnName: "USERID",
                                           roleIdColumnName: "ROLEID"),
        UsersTableNomenclature =
            new UsersTableNomenclature(tableName: "APP_USERS",
                                       userIdColumnName: "ID",
                                       userNameColumnName: "USERNAME",
                                       emailAddressColumnName: "EMAIL",
                                       emailConfirmedColumnName: "EMAILCONFIRMED",
                                       passwordHashColumnName: "PASSWORDHASH",
                                       securityStampColumnName: "SECURITYSTAMP",
                                       phoneNumberColumnName: "PHONENUMBER",
                                       phoneNumberConfirmedColumnName: "PHONENUMBERCONFIRMED",
                                       twoFactorAuthorizationEnabledColumnName: "TWOFACTORENABLED",
                                       lockoutEndDateUtcColumnName: "LOCKOUTENDDATEUTC",
                                       lockoutEnabledColumnName: "LOCKOUTENABLED",
                                       accessFailedCountColumnName: "ACCESSFAILEDCOUNT")

    public ApplicationDbContext() : base(connectionString, nomenclature) { }

    public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
        return new ApplicationDbContext();